
Clarity meets creativity and consciousness. Intention meets inspired action. Hey there, I'm Rach.

And you’re here. There’s a fire in your belly. I love that. I feel it too.
I want to help you burn even brighter, beautiful.

But first, let me introduce myself properly. I’m Rachel MacDonald.
I’m a writer, coach, speaker, seeker. I guide passion-fuelled women out of fear and uncertainty, and into lives, blogs and businesses they love (and truly desire).

I believe in truth, freedom + following the trail of our curiosities.
I’m all for leaning into life. And then, leaning in some more.



In big ideas. Evolution. Radical perspectives. The transformative power of gratitude.

In self-expression, self-love and self-responsibility. I know for sure that life is what you make it.

I believe in smart, soulful conversations. Lifting up not tearing down. The joy of storytelling. The sizzle and spark of community.

In giving ourselves permission to be magnificent. I believe we don’t do that enough. But we’re learning.

I believe that living a wholehearted life means bringing ALL of ourselves to the table. In feeling the sweet relief of owning our contradictions, our vulnerable bits, our very human humanness.

There’s nothing wrong with you. You don’t need to improve, fix, push down, play small, hide away. You are unfolding. You’re peeling back layers. Keep going.

I take a stand for love.

I believe that what we’re ultimately looking for – that big purpose we’re all flipping over stones to find – is meaning. True happiness.

And the good news is: happiness is possible for everyone.

In Spaces Between is a collision of inspiration, support and feel-it-in-your-bones wisdom. What started as a passionate hobby a couple of years ago – messily hemmed into mornings, lunch-hours and weekends – has taken on a life of its own, and the tribe of spirited women that I’ve met through this blog have quite literally changed my life. ‘Grateful’ simply doesn’t cut it.


// I grew up wanting to be a journalist. I did my time and earned the fancy communications degree in PR, marketing and journalism, yet it seems life had other plans, and I somehow ended up in a job (I loved) designing watches at 21. That job took me travelling around the world and allowed me to indulge my creativity by day, and party away my weekends. I became a pawn in the ‘destructive relationship game’ around that time as well, and while seemingly thriving and happy on the outside, was pushing down insecurities, fears and serious self-doubt on the inside. I was on a constant quest for approval – always outside of myself.

// A few years on: I met my soulmate, and seven weeks later, he moved overseas (a move that had been planned well before I came on the scene). After three months and a few ridiculous phone bills, I decided to take a chance on this blossoming love of ours and booked a trip to the UK on my almost-maxed-out credit card. He came home with me a few weeks later, and we’ve been beautifully, outrageously loved up ever since.

// To fast forward a little (there’s plenty in between, but we’ll save that for later) a year ago, I was working full-time in digital PR. It was ticking a few big boxes, but still I was searching for meaning and purpose. Simmering beneath the surface was this unshakeable belief that there was something bigger I was meant to be doing. This blog – my sanctuary – had been growing and flowing for 18 months and an incredible community had sprouted around me. I knew that I wanted to give and share something with them. With you.

But of course, the limiting beliefs – that shrill call of “You’re not ready!” – boomed over my internal loudspeaker, and although I’d felt the call to play bigger, there was a persistent voice insisting I play safe. ‘But you’re so comfortable here’.

What I discovered was THAT’S the sign to keep going.
Pushing through doubt at that point changed everything. And I now know this for certain: there will never be a perfect time.

After a potent period of soul-searching, I threw my ‘some day’ plans away. It was time to just friggen go for it. I dove headfirst into a heart-centred business that literally started overnight, with no plan and no safety net. Within a week of sending out my intentions into the world, I had a full coaching schedule, and not longer after, had given notice.

I’ve learnt first-hand what it feels like to embrace fear and uncertainty. I’ve discovered the power of intention, unwavering faith and leaping with love. I fiercely believe when you lead with generosity and show up from the heart, life looks after you. And a thriving biz based on word of mouth referrals is a beautiful by-product.



In the past year (2013), I’ve coached 120+ women – without a services page; just a truckload of past-client cheerleading and cosmic support – sitting shoulder-to-shoulder as they’ve left jobs that no longer fit, stepped into their dream businesses and started blogs that have changed their lives. I’ve witnessed, held space and supported these gorgeous, brave, committed souls as they’ve come home – kissing so-so relationships goodbye, awakening their spirits, untethering from the limiting beliefs holding them back, and falling completely in love with their lives, and themselves.

As a coach, I’ve gleaned experiences from my former life as a digital strategist and PR exec, poured in the wisdom and mind-blowing moments from my own path, and woven the best of what I’ve collected along the way into something that feels expansive, deeply fulfilling, soul-centered and powerful, for us both. I’m also currently being trained as a life coach assistant trainer, and later this year, will be helping other coaches bring their dream of being a coach to life.

You deserve to live a phenomenal life.

You have permission to turn inward, tap your essence and light up the screen with a personality, presence and magic that’s all yours.

You’re here to leave an imprint on the world.

You are here to live fully.

I would absolutely love to support you. If you’re ready to move forward – boldly, joyfully and with clarity around what you want and how to get it – email me to find out more.


  • I’m a Sagittarius, an ENFP and Type Seven (The Enthusiast) on the Enneagram.
  • I have a raging love affair with movement. Yoga and Pilates Barre make me feel strong and centred. I’ve run a half-marathon and I enjoyed the training more than the race. Running a full marathon calls me (sometimes).
  • I live for world wandering and Mama Nature. The ocean and the mountains – adored in equal measure.
  • I’ve co-authored a love-filled eBook on coming home to yourself and have spoken on stage about ‘Soulpreneurship’ and Radical Self-Love.
  • My biggest project to date is my eight-week blogging ecourse Bright-Eyed & Blog-Hearted. The response has seriously blown. my. mind.

And when I’m not coaching + writing, there’s a good chance you’ll find me:

Running by the beach at sunrise; sitting with my toes in the sand and a journal on my lap; cuddling up close to my man; meditating, reading a good book, flipping an oracle card or two, learning more about myself, saying thank you! and diving deep in conversation with my soul-tribe.

I’m so glad you’re here.



"By immersing myself in your free eBook, I learned more, released more and grew more than I did in 10 sessions with my shrink! In fact I stopped going because I just wasn't getting what I needed - I was getting it from your little piece of love." - Jacinta

Hear what others have to say about the More Magic ebook.


To be slightly confusing, I'm still operating under my maiden name on Twitter so if you're wondering who @rachelmagahy is - that's me.

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