Making Me Happy

If you’ve been reading In Spaces Between for a while you’ll know that at the start of the year I defined some words to live by for 2012. When I sat down and really thought about the words I wanted to guide me this year, the ones that really spoke to me were as follows (with descriptions of how I planned to apply them to my life):


This year, I’ll align:

Myself: with change agents, creative mentors, dynamos with big ideas and lots of spirit (who’ll jam with me and insist that I dig deep).
My vision: crystal clear, razor-sharp.
My passions: a conscious choice to expend my energy on the stuff that really lights me up.
Myself: to my raison d’être.


‘Ease’ serves as reminder to inhale deeply, lower the pressure and ease up on myself when my body calls for time out.


Amplify is a bold word. Consider this my official declaration: I’m crankin’ the freakin’ dial up in 2012 (a bazillion decibels!)

After digging out the post the other day and evaluating where I’m at right now, I realised that those intention-laden guiding principles I set back in January have absolutely manifested in my life the way I imagined they would.

Through B-School and this blog, I’ve aligned myself with soulful sistas with big ideas and even bigger hearts. When it comes to ease, I’ve known when I need to pull back and (mostly) I’ve listened and slowed down. Life has been amplified on all levels – my bloggy baby has stretched and evolved, opportunities to spread my message have abounded, blessings have rolled in and our wedding was everything we dreamed it would be.

Checking in has warmed and comforted me, especially since my big focus this week was taking the foot off the accelerator and honing in on that potent word: EASE. Here’s how it all unfolded…

Country Love


Ramai and I have officially reached the age where “going for a drive” is considered a pretty sweet way to spend the day. Ohyeahwehave.

On Saturday, we jumped in the car and headed out to Birrell Creek near Mt Warning (past Murwillumbah/ Uki in Northern NSW) for the housewarming of our friends Danny and Olly and let me just say, a freaking fantastic day was had by all.

Along with their little boy, Danny and Olly live in the house below (epic or what?) and the incredible location, coupled with the fact the weather was absolutely breathtaking, had me daydreaming about writing books in a cute writer’s cottage tucked away in the mountains, where chickens roam free and a fires smoulder away in winter. Simply divine.

(that’s the side of Mt Warning above – anyone who has ever done the hike knows just how amazing the views are in the area).

Ramai’s mate Benny (above) – who actually owns the house that was being ‘warmed’ – also took the two of us on a little off road adventure, across rocky creeks and up steep dirt road inclines which reminded me of going to my Uncle’s property in Hamilton, Victoria when I was a kid.

All that fresh air and greenery and walking through the bush and getting dirty took me back right back to the memories of riding Pee Wee 50 motorbikes with my cousins and crashing out in bed early after running around the paddocks all day. Some of my favourite times, in fact.

What I Learnt:

My outdoorsy weekend, and having no phone reception for almost a full day (!!) shone a light on the undeniable fact that I’ve been spending far too much time on the computer every weekend, which is something I’m going to be really conscious of this summer. My productivity at work on Monday after disconnecting for most of the weekend and the deep sense of happiness I felt after our day ‘in the sticks’ is incentive enough.

I guess there’s a reason why Saturday and Sunday are referred to as the WEEK END. Light and shade, work and play – a delicate balancing act.

Above: That’s cutie pie Asher. Gorgeousness personified.

Below: Love these pics. It’s like Ramai and his lover Benny are on their summer vacation.

Sunnies, Sunnies, Sunnies!


Top: Ksubi. Bottom left: Sportsgirl. Bottom right: Retro Superfuture – Ramai’s sunnies that he’s decided he doesn’t like anymore. WIN!

My interest in fashion waxes and wanes in a way – I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love stylish wares and am quite partial to a shopping spree (ahem) but sometimes I’m just not that interested. My brain tends to oscillate between loves and obsessions on a regular basis so while I go through phases where I feel like deleting whole sections of my Google Reader (for instance, the fashion blog section), a month later I find myself inextricably drawn to that very category. Yes, I’m a strange, strange child. I’m also a Sagittarian. I hope that explains things.

Anyway, I woke up the other day feeling a major urge to surf the net and immerse myself in pretty things. Surface stuff, easy, light, “Pinteresting”, eyes-bulging-from-the-beauty kinda net surfing. It was as if after months of being “all-in” with my biz course and ebook and writing, the visual side of my brain wanted out… and before I knew it, she was kicking off her heels and indulging in a vodka cocktail and a mani pedi (who am I to stop such pursuits?)

So what does this have to do with sunglasses? Well, I happen to have a slight penchant for sunnies, simply because I think they’re an easy way to ‘make’ a look. I’m a one bag gal but when it comes to sunnies, I mix ‘n’ match with glee, so you can see how it wasn’t my fault that a pair of Karen Walker sunnies found their way into the cart as well as these Sportsgirl el cheapo’s. You know where to come if you ever need to borrow a pair of shades. Just call me The Shady Lady.

PS: my friend below wanted to stop by and say HAI LADIES!

Getting Juiced


Maxo-energy and good vibes all round – what’s not to love? Seriously never get sick of this stuff. Are you a green goblin too?

Magnificent Morsels:

Pulling together my How to Start a Blog series (look out for some great guest interviews!) + a chilled glass of wine at the computer + goodies in the mail + funny future life convo’s with my love + “Mexicrinkles” + casting my eyes forward to my 30th birthday in November (seriously need to start planning some sort of celebration) + this video for making me feel all patriotic + date night and The Bourne Legacy + super productivity at work + my guest post on The Wellness Warrior 4 Soulful Ways to Support Yourself When Life Gets Crazy – I feel so blessed to hang in Jess’s shiny corner of the web + seeing my girls kicking ass. Like majorly. I’m like a proud mama.

“Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed.” | Mary Oliver

And that’s me! Simple pleasures, a spot of shopping, energy-giving green goodness and sloooooowing down and relishing every day.

+ What’s your greatest joy right now? What are you thankful for? You know the drill babe, share away in the comments below!

Get your copy of my eBook now... it's FREE!

Rapid-Fire Wisdom for Some of Your Biggest Challenges

“I’m stuck, lost, in need of direction. I know what I want but how do I get there?”

You know what living a magnificent life means for you? It’s following the blazing inspiration that’s alight in your heart and seeing it through from start to heavenly end. I’m talking about your vision, your genius, the dazzling gifts bestowed upon you. You know, your birthright.

I know it can appear hard to get yourself ‘there’ because ‘there’ seems like this far-off place where magical things happen and spirits fly free – no longer compromised or buried inside meaningless living – but I want you to comfort yourself with the fact that instead of tackling the whole 1000-piece puzzle at once, it’s okay to simply connect the bottom corner to the next piece. And then add a piece after that. And maybe another when the spirit moves you.

Great whopping books are written word by word, page by page, just like houses are built brick by brick. You could do worse than adopt the same lead when it comes to The Reason You’re Here on Earth.

“If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are — if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.” ~ Joseph Campbell

“I’m scared of going it alone… and I’m scared of admitting that.”

Courageous transitions call for support so:

Forget this: it’s shameful and weak to ask for help; and

Know this: asking for help is powerful. It’s clever and brilliant and invites ease into your life, allowing you feel held and present while you focus on your soul’s work.

“How do I know if it’s right for me?”

Simply tune in to your deepest intuition, your inner whisper, the oracle inside that just… knows.

“We often hesitate to follow our intuition out of fear. Most usually, we are afraid of the changes in our own life that our actions will bring. Intuitive guidance, however, is all about change. It is energetic data ripe with the potential to influence the rest of the world. To fear change but to crave intuitive clarity is like fearing the cold, dark night while pouring water on the fire that lights your cave. An insight the size of a mustard seed is powerful enough to bring down a mountain-sized illusion that may be holding our lives together. Truth strikes without mercy. We fear our intuitions because we fear the transformational power within our revelations.” ~ Caroline Myss

When you learn to not only hear that soft, true and valid voice within, but to trust it completely, everything shifts. Call a committee meeting with your inner wisdom today.

“It feels like I’m constantly pushing. Why is everything I do so goddamn hard?”

Stop doing the things that kill your energy. If you let it die, it will die. Pleasedontletitdie.

“How do I stop feeling inadequate, not good enough?”

Left to her own devices, your inner critic is a bit of a bitch. She’ll show up unannounced when you’re feeling vulnerable or out of your comfort zone and dish up her own special brand of noxious nonsense, just ’cause she can. Just ’cause she knows you’ll cop it.

Protect your tender self and examine all the facts. Are they true? Really? Really?

Decide whether you’re going to allow your limiting beliefs, or the echo of your parents or your boss or whoever else you’re holding in a place of authority, keep you from shining like the luminous beacon of light you are. Write your fears and doubts and murkiest thoughts on paper to take the first step in releasing them. There are outrageously beautiful qualities inside you. Blaze.

“But… it’s not perfect.”

Good news: nothing is. Perfection is a myth. What’s admirable is that you are infinitely and actively growing, loving and evolving. Even when you fail miserably and publicly. Even when your thing isn’t tuned and preened within an inch of its life.

Instead of striving to be perfect, take heed of Tony Robbins advice and aim instead to be a sublimely flawed human being.

“Live life fully while you’re here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You’re going to anyway so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don’t try to be perfect. Just be an example of being human.”

Sky-high expectations and crippling doubts – we won’t be needing your services anymore. Thank you anyway.

“I’m kinda awkward, a bit weird. How do I fit in?”

Embrace what makes you different. I was thinking about the things I’ll never be recently. I’ll never be totally conservative because although on the whole I can be quiet obedient, there’s this part of me that likes to rebel. I’ll never be a hard-hitting journalist, because I’m not into confrontation. I’ll never wear Peter Pan collars and collect vintage oil paintings and cute owl trinkets because that’s not MY style. There are people that do all that and be all that (I know and love those people), with far more spunk than I ever could. What I’m left to step into is my own authenticity.

I want you to know – hand-on-heart – that your (self-diagnosed) awkwardness or the things that are different and vulnerable are no doubt the things the world loves most about you. Come alive being fabulously you.

“What if I fail?”

Sometimes we resist the things we know are good for us because we’re afraid of who we’ll become. Thing is though gorgeous, worry is like a prayer for something bad to happen.

If you fail, you’ll pick yourself back up again. If you falter, you’ll eventually find your way – or another way. Leave the small stuff behind and promise us you’ll play bigger.

Other random mind-benders and flipped and dipped perspectives:

1 // Life happens for you – not to you.

2 // Instead of “having to do all these things” you “get to do all these things.”

3 // The only permission you need is your own.

4 // Struggles are our defining moments.

5// Ali Brown (via Denise Duffield-Thomas) asks: “What would millionaire {your name} do?” So, what would millionaire you do? Millionaire you would book it/ do it/ take it/ leave it/ launch at it. Consider yourself nudged.

6// It’s OK to pull back from the world. And as long as you know that ‘wherever you go, there you are’ it’s totally OK to hightail it out of here for a while. A change in location will annihilate blockages like nobody’s biz.

7// When you’re exceptionally busy and stressed and over it, be of service. Taking the focus off your own issues is guaranteed to mellow the madness.

8// And it’s worth reminding yourself that sometimes, just sometimes, not getting what you want can be the biggest blessing of all.

The inspiration for this post came from the questions I asked on Facebook a few days ago: “What are you struggling with? What’s grinding your gears, stealing your spark, putting a big ol’ dampener on things?” It also comes from conversations and emails and the things that crop up in my own life. These are universal conundrums, felt by us all.

+ If you didn’t get a chance to share your challenges on Facebook, I encourage you to let them unfurl here.

+ Let’s get share-y: what works for you when you’re going through a rough patch? Unleash your tips/ advice/ shiny nuggets of wisdom below.


Images: Dream Yourself Along | Sankaku | Ethereal Taurus

The eBook Has Landed! More Magic, All the Time: 20 Ways to Create Your Best Life Ever

Today is a very special day!

Right here, right now, I’m launching my first eBook More Magic, All the Time: 20 Ways to Create Your Best Life Ever out into the ether and if I could pirouette my way across your screen, I would. In fact, imagine me doing just that. That, or moonwalking. You choose. All I know is I’m excited.

I’ve been working behind the scenes on this shiny new baby of mine – getting it all jazzed up for your reading pleasure – and I’m so thrilled to be able to share it with you all because I’ve got a feeling it’s going to excite you as much as it excites me.

Want to know the best news? It’s FREE. Actually, that’s not the best news – the even better news is that when I wrote it, I pretended that you’d be paying for it.

I went for:

+ High-density.

+ (Mega) high-quality.

+ Useful, actionable, relatable and totally, utterly, completely inspiring.

Basically, the kind of stuff you love reading here, all wrapped up in one strikingly beautiful package (with added quote-y goodness).

Radiant Praise. Juicy Love.


“Want to live a life that has you leaping out of bed every day, happily basking in every moment, and excited with anticipation of what the next brilliant moment will bring? Read More Magic, All The Time. Rachel is my inspiration can opener, and her eBook did not fail to pry me open even more. In this eBook, Rachel bolsters our dreams, gently soothes us with her everything-is-going-to-be-amazing-you-just-wait tone, and leads us through simple steps for fulfilling our potential in the world. Let even a little of Rachel’s practical positivity rub off on you and you will be much better for it.”


“In my humble opinion, Rach was sent here to (among other things) be a best friend to each and every one of us.  This woman truly takes your soul and gently nurtures it with incredible, inspirational wisdom, before floating it back to your waking reality – where it’s now perfectly aligned with your big, bigger, biggest dreams. Each sentence in this warm book feels like home; it feels like hot chocolate and a salon blow wave and a crackling fire.  It will make you sigh, deeply. You’ll rapidly become your own best friend and find yourself on a crazy-woman mission to find peace and ease and beautiful stillness. Generously, Rach has gift wrapped her soulful online home, In Spaces Between, into a go-to spirit retreat for us to treasure forever. Make this whole book your manifesto – I dare you!”


“Wow. My eyes lit up when I opened More Magic, All the Time: 20 Ways to Create Your Best Life Ever. It is so deliciously gorgeous, bubbly, romantic and amazingly inspiring. After reading it cover to cover, I immediately felt clearer about my purpose on this beautiful Earth, and so much more inspired to live a more magical life. Rachel rocks it in this gorgeous testimony to all things true and wonderful about life. It is a must-have for any inspiration junkie – the design alone is enough to brighten your day, just wait until you soak up the poetic words of wisdom!”


“There are so many beautiful eBooks any one of us can access but there’s something very special that makes More Magic All The Time stand out from the crowd. It’s not that it’s beautifully written, beautifully presented and beautifully authentic – even though it is all those things. It’s because if you chose to fully commit to your loving self and put into action the inspirational prompts and suggestions within it – your life will change for the better… immeasurably. Big call I know, but as a coach and counsellor working with people every day trying to achieve just that. I stand by the fact it will – with love and conviction.”


The Details: Where Do I Get a Copy?


I’m pleased to announce that I’ve just introduced a mailing list to In Spaces Between and I’m going to be sending out monthly love letters to you all, full of my best stuff (the months are rolling around quickly these days but if needed I * may * change this to fortnightly updates, but I’ll keep you posted on that one – we’ll see how we go!).

To jump on the list and download a copy of More Magic, All the Time immediately, simply fill in the deets below (or up the top of the sidebar) and hightail it to your inbox to get your hands on your treat!

Get your copy of my eBook now... it's FREE!

“Stop waiting, now is the time to be your best. Rachel’s energy is infectious, and I’m always inspired by In Spaces Between. Her positivity is tangible and her eBook combines words to live by with practical tips to help you make your potential a reality. Stop hoping and start doing. Rachel will guide you through those first steps and help you see the magic in your every day.”


“More Magic, All The Time is like a comforting hug mixed with a dash of sparkle and a pinch of zest! I have always loved the way Rach connects with you as though you’re the only person that matters, but this eBook takes that to another level. Her warm words of wisdom speak right to your heart and encourage you to get the most out of life. If you need a little nudge to get moving on your goals and dreams, this book is for you. Soak up all of Rach’s TLC, devour the inspiring quotes and then get moving on creating a life full of gratitude, positivity and (of course) magic!”


“I am officially juiced up on inspiration, positivity and wicked design!  If you need a pick me up, a nudge in the right direction or a heart-to-heart with a girlfriend, this eBook has you covered.  Simply download + expand!”

SUSANA FRIONI | Susana Frioni

Three Final Things:


1 // Once you tear through your copy of Make Magic, All the Time (highly recommend you print it out)I’d love to hear your thoughts so hop-skip-jump back here and leave your feedback in the comments (please!)

2 // I’d be wildly grateful for sweet Tweet-stimonials and Facebook hurrahs (or Instagram photo-evidence) if you enjoy your goodie.

You can use the buttons below or tag me @rachelmagahy (Twitter); @In Spaces Between (Facebook) or @rachelcmacdonald (Instagram). I’ll be compiling your lovely words in a future post, so many thanks in advance for spreading the word to your compadres!

3 // I love you guys. Thank you so much for inspiring me daily. Stuff like this comes from a place of inspiration… and it’s YOU GUYS that take me there.

Gratitude galore. Go get it, it’s time to make magic. x

Making Me Happy

I’ve got some thanking to do.

Here’s the thing: I’m an independent little kitten. Have been since I was a tiny child and refused to let my parents dress me (there’s long-lost video footage of me running around the house with my pyjama top over my head, obscuring my face, very Beavis and Butthead style, totally “I’ve got this Mum!”).

But like most all of us, I’d be nothing without the people in my world – the teachers, supporters, cheerleaders and everyone in between – and I really want to take a moment today to acknowledge that. The appreciation is served up broadly here, but as I write the words, I’m mentally walking through a sea of faces, so just know that I’m sending love in all directions. Lots of it.

Soul hugs + high fives to:

Ramai. The man whose loves permeates every cell of my very being; the coolest, wisest, most ‘comfortable in his own skin,’ laidback human I know. The guy who sends me I love you’s daily, who silly dances and air guitars his way around the house because he knows it’ll make me laugh – especially when I’m in work-mode. The guy who knows when to sit back and wait and when to front up and be there. My gorgeous, intuitive soul-babe with the comfiest ‘nook’ (neck-chest space) in the world, made just for me. Thank you – always.

My blog babes. There are so many of you that I collectively adore. You’ve all come into my life over the course of the past year – which may not seem long in Real Life terms but feels like the best type of forever in the Online World – and I’m wildly grateful for your unwavering encouragement, the warmth that wraps its way around my soul, all your unharnessed energy + excitement and the belief in what I’m doing and where I’m going. It’s always appreciated, and let me tell you , the sistahood is certainly alive and kicking in the blogosphere and it makes me so proud to be part of this community. SO INSANELY PROUD.

Sian. For designing the bejesus outta my ebook and for not only graciously making every single edit this Woman of Very High Standards requested but for sharing in my excitement for its release. That’s the kind of designer a girl wants on her team. Can anyone say the words ‘over and above?’

My friends. I know that’s a broad one – Look Everybody, I’m thanking All of the Friends – but each plays their own special role, and lately there have definitely been a few sparkly souls that have championed my wins, been there as I’ve exhaled deeply at the end of another busy week, listened to my stories on morning runs and brought me to my favourite state of being – laughing, carefree, content – time and time again. Thank you for your awesomery,

Who do you need to acknowledge? Today is the day, sweet pea. Unleash your appreciation. 

Creating Personal ‘Guidelines’


Ever sat down and gone “Ok where am I right now? What do I need to be reminded of? What do I think about XYZ at this point in my life?”

I did this week and I created a short “guide” to live by – something I’ve stuck on my wall and written in my Moleskine for inspiration. Simple things that sweeten my life.

An excerpt below:

Dear Rach, this is your guide to better living. Remember…

1 // Health comes first. When that creeping overwhelm becomes a full on GAH-fest, hightail it to somewhere quiet with a green juice or a ginormous salad, lie back/ sit cross-legged, connect to the breath, listen to a guided meditation, do nothing, daydream, read a book. Whatever it takes to end frazzling frazzlement. Get back to centre.

2 // Relationships are muchas importante. When someone is talking, drop everything to listen. Be present.

3 // Do the undress-wash face-shower thing shortly after getting home from work. Much easier that way – especially when you get all sleepy-eyed on the couch and you don’t want anything to get in the way (ESPECIALLY water) of that dazed transition from couch to bed.

4 // Salad. Every day. Essential. Vitamins also – support your body while you’re living life at full-crank.

5 // Take a moment for your one word visualisation each morning to set the tone for the day ahead. Twitter, FB, Instagram, email first is not ideal.

6 // On that note, social media in bed can stop. Not necessary. Make bed a sacred space for love + wisdom (from deep convo’s and the pages of a good book).

That’s just a few of my guiding principles right now. What about you? Do you have any of your own? Thinking about creating some? Let me know if you do!

Sydney + Shopping


Last week I spent a few days in Sydney for work and coincidentally, Ramai was down there  for work at the same time which made it approximately 17654 times better.

It was an in and out visit but we had a lovely dinner and cocktails on Wednesday night and I even managed to squeeze what should have been a marathon shopping sesh in Pitt St Mall into a quick sprint (35 minutes to be precise).

See the pics for my new wares from Sportsgirl, Zara and Myer. Lots o’ colour!

Miracle Thought


I’m loving Marianne Williamson’s Miracle Thought by Oprah and have been listening to these at night before bed or in the morning before work. Check them out, I have a feeling you’ll love them too.

Pretty Blooms


As a hardcore nature-nerd, flowers make me immensely happy. I got a surprise delivery of gorgeous tulips from Ramai at work yesterday (aren’t they lovely?) and have a great bunch of natives, shown below, thriving at home. Simple pleasures.

Ebook Anticipation!



Sorry for the shouty caps, but I’m so freaking excited to share this with you all and I’m hanging to hear what you think of it. Be ready, my loves, it’s a-coming!

Over to you:

Going back to my question at the top, who do you need to acknowledge? Why not give them a shout out in the comments today? Pull your energy in for a minute, let a wave of appreciation flow through you and load up on love – for the people in your life and the blessings of the past week. Go for it.


Manifesto: Striking Truths

Do the Work: Inspired Action in the Face of Procrastination


The balcony door is wide open and the curtains are swaying, the sky a slightly lighter shade of blue than it was this morning when I was out running around the national park across the road. There are birds – many birds – loud, singsong-y and free, chirping at each other, chasing each other around that big blue expanse, the sun sliding down in the distance.

Friends are coming home from the beach, one yelling out to another at home on the balcony: “Throw the keys down!” “THE KEYS!” And everyone laughs and the thrower is teased, his aim crooked, the keys completely missing their target. It sounds – and smells – like someone’s having a BBQ. The laughing continues, there’s a splash in the pool. More birds. Some noisy cars. Sunday sounds.

All this happens while I’m resisting. It’s been four hours now and while my beloved naps beside me on the couch, I’ve been sprawled out in a mismatched ensemble of floral pants, a stripy hoodie, zero makeup and chipped plum nail polish whipping through chapters of my latest read – the book I’ve just finished and wedged in its tight new home on the shelves – sabotaging my own grand plans for the day.

The thing is, today was meant to be my “blog” day. I even scribbled a cheerful (possibly over-ambitious) to-do list this morning, with time blocks and pink highlights and big, black letters to KEEP ME ON TRACK. It’s stuck on the wall above my monitor to help me make things happen… and until now, while I sit here typing these words, resistance has kept me from doing any of it.

Master Procrastination Techniques


If you’ve ever procrastinated before (and if you haven’t, deep-bow-my-worship-I-am-not-worthy), you’ll probably recognise some of today’s antics below:

1. Grocery shopping. Not a full shop, just a necessary trip all the way to the supermarket to get supplies for lunch. Fantastic time-killer.

2. Taking at least 30 minutes to make said lunch. And then, of course, allocating plenty of time to eat lunch slowly… and tucking into “a chapter or two” for dessert “… and then I’m definitely getting on the computer, OK?”

3. Cleaning. The bedroom, my computer desktop (shortly after failed writing attempt #1).

4. Writing a list of potential blog topics for the next month on my calendar – a list I know I’ll never stick to because I rarely (never) follow an editorial calendar. Seemed important to do it TODAY though.

5. Editing photos for my work Facebook page. On a Sunday. I don’t get paid to work Sundays. Textbook procrastination (this one followed failed writing attempt #2).

6. Getting snacks! Filling up my glass of water way too many times! Way too many toilet breaks a result of way too many water refills!

7. Trying to do the last thing on my list first, to, you know, get into something. Ending up back on couch with book.

8. Meditating mid-reading sesh – for clarity and motivation – and then realising I wasn’t meditating, I was listening to the key-throwing fiasco instead.

9. Seriously contemplating why I was sitting inside when the weather was perfect and it was a freaking Sunday and I hadn’t done anything anyway so I may as well have been out there ENJOYING MY DAY OFF. Oh hello, self-pity.

Such fun!

It’s 6pm now and the book is done and I find myself here at the computer, because, despite the above indicating otherwise, I actually do want to do the work. Showing up here and writing empowering content that might answer a question or untangle an issue in your life is hugely important to me – this is the stuff that really ignites my inner inferno, as you know – which is why I wanted to share today’s little battle to let you know that we all go through periods of inaction and indifference. We all come up with justifications for why we shouldn’t, or can’t, get the work done. 

Advice From the Trenches of Inactivity


Do the work.

Just do it. Start. Wobbly and fumbly but with hope in your heart. That’s all that you need from the outset (it gets better from there, I promise).

Do it because you’re ready to expand, to stretch, to tear down walls. Because it matters. Because you can’t NOT listen to the call.

Do it to create space for more. To click into gear, to encourage momentum, to unlock flow.

Do it to activate that sacred part of you that knows that anything is possible – but also knows you need to meet those shimmering intentions halfway.

Do it because what you want wants you too.

Desire can only be held down for so long.

+ Do you ever struggle with procrastination? How do you get started and “get the work done?” Share your stories, tips and tricks in the comments below!

Image: Julian Bialowas 

Making Me Happy

Last week was a great week. The health program I was on gave me the massive injection of energy my body was so badly craving and I rode that sprightly wave of creativity all the way through. It was like someone had cranked the dial of my vibration right-freaking-UP. 100,000 decibels.

Everything aligned… and most importantly, it all felt right.

+ I heard two pieces of really exciting news on Wednesday.

+ On Friday, when I was 40 fans away from hitting the 2000 mark on the In Spaces Between Facebook page, a lightbulb went off – I knew I wanted to give you all a free gift but it hadn’t dawned on me until then that the Make Magic planner would be The Perfect Thing. My fellow Sagittarian friend Sian responded to my over-zealous email requesting her help in a flash, which was a blessing in itself. Heads and plates were spinning rapidly and inspiration was high.

+ Friday and Saturday mornings were spent whipping up a video interview for a friend’s site and learning a few new things along the way.

+ I helped another friend with her new project. The days sped by quickly but the vibe was electric.

The thing is – and I was telling my naturopath this yesterday as we went over how I was feeling post-detox – all this flow and leaping-from-my-cells joy simply came my way because I was clear-headed enough to be open to receiving it. And, importantly, to then use that energy to fuel my creations.

Without a doubt, treating my body with respect and clearing the cobwebs out with clean food put me in the right state of mind to attract, rather than repel, more goodness and invite it in. I know when I’m repelling things and it’s usually when I’m overwhelmed because I’m too busy and don’t have the mental capacity to add something else in to the mix. I can literally feel myself sending out a weary message that goes a little something like this: “No more, please.”

Last week was different.

I wrote the words MORE OPPORTUNITY, MORE PASSION at the top of a page in my Moleskine and let me tell you, life definitely rose up to meet me with the right kind of more. There seemed to be a bit of a snowball effect when it came to joyful occurrences and with the joy came some ‘loud and clear’ messages as well. I used to let things like “people pleasing” or “doing it because I should” guide most of my efforts, but lately I’ve created space to let my “inside peeps” guide, well, pretty much everything. Like Jonathan Field’s says in the article I linked to yesterday, realising that you are your own guru and that your power starts within means you can cut out the stuff that isn’t serving you or bringing you closer to your goals. Turning the wobbly, forward-facing line into a relatively straight one, if you will.

Creativity made me come alive last week. Other weeks it’s connection and deep, soulful conversations. Others it’s adventure or rebelling against my to-do list. Like the quote says “The world needs more people to come alive” so today I encourage you to go and find what it is that makes you come alive… and barrell head first into it. Live passionately, gorgeous. Come alive.

“Let your alignment (with well-being) be first and foremost, and let everything else be secondary. And not only will you have an eternally joyous journey, but everything you have ever imagined will flow effortlessly into your experience. There is nothing you cannot be or do or have—but your dominant intent is to be joyful. The doing and the having will come into alignment once you get that one down.” ~ Abraham-Hicks

Sunday Bliss


Above is a snapshot of our day on Sunday. Can I get an OH.MY.GOD? Amazing.

Ramai and I have been hanging to dive back into our Sunday ritual (that is, getting out of the house and heading out on an adventure) so we made a beeline for Broken Head, just outside of Byron Bay, on the weekend and spent the day reading, meditating, taking photos and lazing around on a secluded hill overlooking the ocean. Whales and dolphins were frolicking, the sun was sparkling, the water was turquoise, the sky was clear. Quite simply, the day was a total peach and we lapped it right up.

I think the photos pretty much say it all but I have to ask: do you reckon MJ would have been proud of my ‘Smooth Criminal’ move in the last pic?

“Annie are you OK, are you OK, are you OK Annie…?”

MJ fo’evah.

Babies + Creative “Jobs”


On Saturday I took on the role of Designated Photographer at a friend’s baby shower, which wasn’t a hard gig because the decorations were gorgeous and there was plenty of eye-candy (of the decor variety, not the ripped-ab variety).

I worked out over the weekend that I really (really) love taking photos of nicely “styled” details. There’s something super rewarding about sending a friend a big folder of images that tell a story from start to finish.

Perhaps I’ll come back as a photographer in my next life…

Make Magic Daily Planner


Feeling very grateful for the response to the Make Magic Daily Planner. Muchas gracias!

Creating the planner was one of those “Quick, I’ve got an idea and I need to execute immediately!” moments and like I mentioned above, I’m blessed that Sian was able to turn this pretty puppy around so quickly for us all.

I’d love to know: have you been using yours? Finding it useful? Post a pic of your planner “in use” on Instagram and tag me @rachelmagahy with the hashtag #makemagicdaily – I’d love to see!

More Moleskine Love

My note scribbling is getting a bit out of control at the moment and I’ve had to add another Moleskine to my collection – this time, a big ol’ A4 sized one! A Big Girl Journal.

I’ve decided this one will be purely for ‘Blog + Business’ notes and my Magic Moleskine will be for ‘Manifesting + Miracles.’ I think it will be more effective that way, and the larger size is going to make it a hell of a lot easier to freely unleash the ideas and inspiration that are currently all over the place in my smaller diary.

Stationery nerds, if you haven’t yet come across Notemaker, I highly recommend you check them out. You’ll see.

Best of the rest:

A soul-warming Skype chat with Connie from A Life of Perfect Days + some exciting news (related to our wedding!) + heading to Sydney for 2 days for work meetings today (just a heads up that I’ll be mostly offline until Friday) + watching the fantastic B-School ‘Bonuses’ and making plans to go back through the whole course again + clearing out stacks of old magazines + getting on top of emails… for a day + blogger support – man, I LOVE being part of this vibrant community! + getting a tweet from Nikki Gemmell, author of The Bride Stripped Bare (!) + and finally, coming across this quote at just the right time: “Almost everything meaningful is accomplished by a megalomaniac on a mission.” Too true, Mister Scott H Young.

+ What about you darling heart? I know you probably have a million things to do and you want to rush back to them right this very second, but why not give yourself the gift of presence for a minute? Why not take a moment to stop what you’re doing momentarily – slow the tempo, zone out a bit and think about how you’re feeling?

What’s your energy like?
Is there any tightness in your body?

Wiggle your toes, push your shoulders back, twist your torso, rub your jawline just under your ears… and release it all. This moment is simply about breathing in energy and breathing out gratitude, and once you do, share those splendid happenings in the comments below so we can all dip into the sweet honey that is your life!

Image by Sian


Making Me Happy + A Giveaway!

The past week has whizzed by at the speed of light and I can’t quite fathom that it’s Wednesday again, can you?

Let’s launch right in to the love-fest babes, I’m juiced up and ready to rumble!

Clarity + MyGoodness Wellbeing


I’m on a health kick (can you already tell?!)

For the past week, I’ve been on the MyGoodness Wellbeing health program – a simple-to-follow, super gentle two week detox lovingly created by my friend Layla Metcalfe. Lay is a Sydney-based naturopath and all-round legend who is seriously awesome at what she does, and as soon as I attended her information night up here on the Gold Coast a month or so ago, I was IN. My body was literally begging for it.

The program is centred around clean, wholesome food and I’ve found it exceptionally easy to follow (big claim I know, especially coming from someone who normally sits and thinks about what she can’t eat all day when she’s following these plans). But honestly, it’s been easy, and I haven’t been hungry at all – probably because the program is less of a detox and more of a lifestyle plan.

Both Ramai (who has joined me) and I have been loving the fact we’re back to the way we used to eat, before the wedding and the subsequent stress and extreme busyness came along and threw a spanner in the works… and sugar/ wine became our besties.

What We’re Eating + Drinking 

1 // We start the day with a splash of apple cider vinegar in warm water.

2 // Breakfast is a smoothie with frozen berries, a liver detox supplement (powder) provided as part of the program, some ice cubes, water, spinach leaves, chia seeds. This fills us up until about 10:30am (and we get up at 5:15am every day, so that’s pretty damn good!)

3 // After breakfast, we take this (pretty ugh) green powder in water. This is the only hard part, and I’ve found the best way is to shot it down, holding my nose. The upside though is that this stuff makes you feel like you’re on a high, it’s seriously brilliant once you get past the taste!

4 // Morning and afternoon tea are either nuts, rice cakes, vege sticks or fruit (limit is 2 pieces per day, eaten in the morning).

5 // Lunch is salad and protein – with brown rice or quinoa if desired. The aim is (at least) one big salad bowl a day.

6// For dinner, we’ve been eating things like tofu and soba noodle stir fry, veggies roasted in coconut oil, chicken – for me, tofu for Ramai – and lentil soup with greens. And so on.

A Few Things I’ve Noticed

1 // My cravings for chocolate are essentially gone. I was eating chocolate daily before starting the program (yes, really) so this is kinda huge.

2 // Sweet things seem REALLY sweet to me now. Ramai, the cute husband he is, made me a smoothie the other morning for breakfast and thought he’d use up some apples we had in the fridge, so instead of water he made used fresh apple juice – and I couldn’t drink it. Granted, they were the sweet Pink Lady apples, but… arghh, my tongue is doing that weird salivating thing just thinking about it. Too, too sweet.

3 // Removing alcohol has been the biggest one for us. We’re both not big drinkers these days, preferring just a glass of wine or two on a Friday/ Saturday night, but after the wedding we had quite a few bottles leftover and it became very easy to have a sneaky wine on a Monday or Wednesday night. Or most nights. I started to find even one glass was leaving me foggy-headed the next day and since cutting alcohol out completely, I feel a bajillion times better. Moving forward: wine will be a treat for once a week or once every few weeks I think.

4 // And finally, the best part is having truckloads more motivation and oodles more energy. The weekend just gone was one of the most productive weekends I’ve had in a long time, and I know, without a doubt, it’s diet-related.

New Goodies


And now for the part where I totally contradict myself!

Alright so I know I’ve just said how great non-drinking is above – and it still is – but when you’re given a $200 voucher for BWS bottle shop, there’s not much else you can buy than… you guessed it… alcohol.

We have a little bar set up at home that we add nice bottles of liquor to occasionally (you never know when someone in desperate need of a cocktail will drop by) and I’m thrilled that I was finally able to get my hands on some Crystal Head Vodka to add to the mix.

I’m sure you can guess why. The bottle makes a pretty sweet decoration, don’t you think?

Other new purchases:

Corals and “soft neon pink”  are playing an important role in my life right now, as you can see above, and below, check out my lime-green-and-grey lululemon running singlet – another colour combo I’m crushing on at the mo.’

(Big hi to Elizabeth at lululemon if you’re reading!) 

Vision Boarding


I went on a vision board bender over the weekend and created 3 brand-spankin’ new boards to stick on my shower screen (I stick them on the glass facing in so I can look at them every morning and last thing at night).

One is for visionaries I want to connect and work with, one is for my income/ blog/ home/ general big life dreams and the other is the travel board above. Vision boards work, peeps. They seriously do – in fact, there’s something on mine that is already in motion, after 2 days.

Are you a fan?

Sunsets + Springtime


I know it’s not technically not spring yet but it’s a-coming. I can feel it… coming in the air… toniiiiight. Yes, Phil, I can feel it too.

On Friday after work, I drove straight to Burleigh Point and sat there marvelling at the place I’m so blessed to call home. As I hung out on the grass by the water, staring at the beauty before me, a stand-up paddleboarder moved aimlessly across the ocean, slowly and deliberately gliding, no doubt soaking in the sunset just like I was. Groups of friends lazed around on blankets laughing and sipping wine, guys skateboarded down the hill behind me. Kids played.

It was pure bliss and I lost myself in a string of beautiful moments. I’m not sure how much time went by as I ran through my gratitude list – punctuating each blessing with a silent ‘Thank you’ – but all I know is that I was lifted. I floated back to the car, heart soaring, deeply content.

Friday afternoon was a stunning reminder that it’s the simple things in life that really get us, right in the sweet spot.

A Fun Giveaway!


Now for the fun part!

See the gorgeous graphic prints above? They were designed by the super talented Jan from one of my all-time fave blogs Design Attractor (you’ll lose hours on this site, believe me – BOOKMARK IT) and the good news is Jan and I have teamed up to give you a little gift. Hooray!

I’ll be randomly selecting 2 lucky readers from the comments below to win 1 x A3 (or smaller) print each. The winners can choose whatever print tickles their fancy from Jan’s ReStyle by handz Etsy store.

If you want to be in with a chance, simply:

+ Like ReStyle on Facebook

+ Like In Spaces Between on Facebook

+ Leave your gratitude list below (yep, just like usual – you can throw in a mention of which print you love the most if you want to).

It’s that easy. I’ll announce the winner on Facebook on Thursday 16 Aug so be sure to check in tomorrow.

UPDATE: Congrats Indra + Jazziefizzle, you are the winners of the prints! 

Shiny snippets:

In case you missed it, my interview here + writing lots + hanging out with my bro + Skype calls with my babes + intentions to manifest a bigger home + exciting news + my incredible husband.

Your turn, sunshine: How are you feeling this week? What’s put a skip in your step?