Soul Spark: Radical Reconsiderations

Soul Spark is a weekly feature on In Spaces Between. 

My intention for these notes for the soul are that they spark something in you each Monday that you can tuck in your pocket for the week ahead. Encouragement, inspiration, a sense of comfort or something to guide you – may they reach you where you need them most.

This treasury of wise words is best paired with a few deep, meditative breaths before reading, and after, a minute of stillness to let the insight settle in. 


Soul Spark: Radical Reconsiderations



What if you weren’t stuck?

What if you had enough time?

What if you could take that fear, rearrange its pieces, and use your handiwork as rocket fuel?

Who would you be?

What if you said a prayer of appreciation for all that’s overwhelming you?

What if you threw off the cloak of self-doubt?

What if you said no – with love?

How would you feel?

What if the opposite of all that’s troubling you right now was true?

Where would you be?

What would you do?


Today’s exercise is simple but oh-so-powerful.

Grab yourself a pen and a notebook, and at the top of the page, write down a fear/ worry/ self-doubt-y thought that’s been playing in your mind like a scratched record on repeat.

In response to that limiting thought, answer this question:

What would my biggest, most powerful and courageous self do?

Report back in the comments, beautiful.

Image: Expert Enough

10 Comments to “Soul Spark: Radical Reconsiderations”

  1. I absolutely adore this – you’re so wise!! Writing it all down creates SO MUCH SPACE. After so much healing and work I’ve done, I love love love that the answer that comes back today is … you know what, everything is perfect, and you don’t NEED to do anything extra no matter how much you feel like you SHOULD. Take inspired action, work on it vibrationally until then, and enjoy every bit of the ride!

    Oh yeah, definitely doing that! ;) xx

  2. This is amazing Rach! I am going put aside some me time once the kids are in bed tonight and definitely do this exercise! Will hopefully bring some clarity to a few fears and self doubt-y thoughts that running through my mind at the moment!
    A happy happy Monday to you!
    Kate xx

  3. This is beautiful!

    I thought that “the expert enough” manifesto was the opposite when I first read it – that you settle for being “good enough” when you should be pushing to be the biggest expert. So it was a nice surprise to see I was wrong in that thinking. I’ve found that there are only a couple of things I need to be (want to be?) expert at – just in regards to work; but I agree in hobbies and the fun parts of life being all about an experiment! You can always have a foundation to work with, and implement little things here and there (like, for me, my foundation is CrossFit to keep me strong and supple, but I want to start supplementing things for fun like salsa dancing – knowing I’ll never be an expert at them but really enjoying the fun of it!).

    I did this little exercise and it helped me focus on what’s making me unhappy lately. I just keep going and going and plead ignorance to the unhappiness that’s always nagging at me. So to write it down and really think about it and address it really helped. And then I thought… I can so easily be this awesome, courageous person! Why am I holding myself back?! I have everything I need to move forward!
    I’ve been struggling with getting my fitness and nutrition on track and I realized… my fear is that I won’t reach my goals of competing (because they seem so big compared to how I feel right now) and I will continue my bad relationship with food. But if I don’t start taking the first steps, I won’t get anywhere. Just waking up for a jog and keeping a food diary is such a simple thing, and even if I don’t immediately drop 10 pounds, I am moving forward. After all, it’s about how your body feels and not how it looks. I’m traveling so much and keep making excuses, I will do this when I am at this place… well I may never get there, so the time is now!

    I always get so carried away responding to your posts, sorry they turn into novels. ;)

    Thanks, Rach! I always forget what a powerful tool writing is. :)

  4. Jia Ni: Ahh… can you hear that? That’s the sound of a biiiiiig exhale. Beautiful honey. x

    Kate: Let me know how you go, sweets! x

    Savannah: JACKPOT! Love a good ‘aha!’ moment. The ability to gain clarity through words never ceases to amaze me. And hey, there’s no word limit in here gorgeous – write away ‘til your heart’s content. x

  5. Wow I absolutely love this! That is such a powerful thing to read and consider at the beginning of the week! Thank you so much for sharing! :) xx

  6. Thank you so much for sharing that Rach… Another little reminder to keep journalling – it really is such a powerful thing. x

  7. Love this Rach! So inspiring :) you’re right – we need to think differently, look at things from all sides and question our own self-doubt.

    Fab xx

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