
A little peek at our gorgeous mini-holiday in Broken Head, Byron Bay and the fun and frivolity of my big THREE-OH celebrations.

Five hours at Gaia Retreat & Spa, beach swims and headland walks, dancing a-plenty, sunshine and special memories to last a lifetime. What more could a girl ask for?

21 Comments to “Thirty”

  1. Hi gorgeous girls – my pants are Wish, my top is Ksubi and my necklace was from a random boutique that I don’t know the name of (I got it forever ago). Thank you so much for your beautiful comments xx

  2. hello Rach
    Wow looks like a beautiful weekend. Did you do the decorations – you should be a designer – they were absolutely beautiful. Can I say that your photography is also beautiful. What camera do you use? I am looking at getting a camera for xmas so always up for ideas.

    have a beautiful afternoon
    love and light
    Claire X

  3. Hello loves! Yep, did all the decorations (’cause you know I’m a crazy styling nerd!) and our camera is a Canon 5D Mark II. I edit my pics in Lightroom and Photoshop. xx

  4. Happy belated birthday!! So gorgeous my goodness you are talented! Rach- pants, top, necklace.. Shooooes- where are those gorgeous shoes from? You are Stylish with a capital S- photos are beautiful thanks for sharing and decorating is inspirational… makes me long for a beachside hang x

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