Blogs to Bookmark

Happy Tuesday guys! I’ve been sitting at the beach all morning, journalling, meditating and watching THE most spectacular sunrise, and I know today is going to be a beautiful day!

Here’s some lovely links to inspire you as you go about your business…

1. True Shining Self




2. Pockets of Peace




3. Kacey Crawford




Links I’m Loving This Week


1. Brene Brown and Oprah. OMG. Lapped this up – Brene just nails it, every. single. time.

2. Gabby riffs on how to feel more supported. Green juice, baths, ‘no’ and being willing to ask – unapologetically – for what we need = hell yes!

3. 18 not so secret truths for highly creative living.

4. LOVED this from Molly at Stratejoy: We are never done. And that’s a beautiful thing. 

5. Another reason why Kris Carr rules.


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