Goals Before 2013: Wrapping Up

Oh hey life, you all of a sudden got REAL, didn’t you?

Because the Universe is a mischievous little ratbag sometimes, my idealistic plans of simplifying (ha ha ha!) before the end of the year have been completely flipped on their head because, well, instead I decided to start a business. I mean, what else would you do a few weeks before Christmas? Long lunches and Friday wines? Pah to that! (but equally, EXCITEMENT AHOY, I’m already crazy about my clients!)

This Friday I’ll say au revoir to my full-time job for good and if we’re talking “goals,” my focus is simply to wrap things up with a bow – and I don’t mean presents, although that too.

This week is a momentous one in the Life of Rach – the end of an era – and it’s really important to me that I make the time to sit back and relish in the company of my work buddies as I reflect on this chapter of my career drawing to a close.

While it’s thrilling to have an eye on the prize, focusing on the here and now and celebrating what is, and what has been, is essential. Raising a glass to the evolution of self (a pretty sweet toast, if you ask me).

2013 + Big Dreams Becoming a Reality


You’ve probably already got a strong feeling, like me, that next year is going to be huge, so I’m writing this post today as a gentle reminder to take all the time you need to fill your stocks over the coming weeks.

Personally, I’ll be popping in here when I feel called to because I have some posts I want to share but I’ll also be switching off and spending precious time out in the world, with my husband, friends and family, living my life.

Appreciating. Reflecting. Gearing up.

My 2013 plans are going to call for even more energy and awesome self-care practices, as I’m sure yours will too, so let’s give ourselves the gift of replenishment… before we come back and set the world, and our hearts, ablaze!

Image: Terry B. Gardner


Goals Before 2013: Weeks 5 + 6

Holy jubilation, I’m riding the biggest, shimmery-est wave of excitement this morning!

Why, you ask? Because it’s ma 30th birthday week and you know I love a momentous occasion and a good ol’ shindig!

I worked out recently it’s been 19 months since my gorgeous husband and I have had a proper holiday. Sure, there’s been the odd 3-day weekend in Melbourne or Sydney, but as far as a break that we can actually relax into goes, it’s been a while.

Howevah! That’s all about to change when, this Wednesday, we head off for 5 nights in Byron Bay – and while (of course) there’s a super fun Mexican party planned for Saturday – we’re dubbing this time away together our Spirit Retreat. Replenishment time. A vacation for the soul.

So what does a Spirit Retreat entail exactly?

Amongst other things, time offline, a coaching sesh with a beautiful coach on Thursday, lots of reading (I’m bringing 8 books with me!), exercise, meditation, long lunches and energising eats and a whole world of journalling. I’m sure it’s no surprise to hear that in stepping out of the day to day, real creativity starts to flow, unhinged, unencumbered. I seriously can’t wait for that.

A vital component of my Spirit Retreat – importantly, the part where all the good juju and deeply-felt relaxation continues after the fact – is that I’ll be taking next week off the blog (plus a few more days if I feel like I need it).

Self-care for energy renewal is such an important undertaking – especially at the moment, when there are 4502756 events happening all at once. Give yourself the gift of some down time if you’re feeling called to. You’ll know.

And now, over to you angel: I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

How are your goals going? We’re inching ever closer to the end of 2012 – what’s left to tackle on your ‘love to do’ list?

Image: Katie’s Pencil Box

A Goal a Week Before 2013: Vitality

Morning gorgeous souls! I hope everyone’s feeling refreshed and ready to tackle another magical week!

First off, a confession: I didn’t completely stick to my ‘dreamin’ + schemin’ goal. An unexpectedly large week at work, a super social weekend (I didn’t do any work in fact) and the burning desire to craft – create, create, create! – meant I didn’t make as much progress with developing new vision boards and planning out my blog redesign as intended.

I mentioned a while back that I’m really committed to focusing on how I feel and working back from there and I’ve been absolutely revelling in the feeling of flow that comes when I’m making/ painting bits and bobs for our house or to gift. Music on, sitting on the floor of our balcony surrounded with paint tubes, thread, sun-bleached sticks I’ve collected from the beach and a drill (my new favourite tool – zzzzzzzzzz!), I groove into this almost trance-like state. Some of my fondest childhood memories are those in which I’m creating and I’m finding it’s beyond therapeutic to go back there and give the work-y sides of my personality a leave pass.

Regarding my goal, I did do some dream doodling but there’s definitely more to come next week when Ramai and I go on our ‘Spirit Retreat,’ so consider that intention “momentarily paused, soon to be resumed.”

{WEEK 4: 12 – 18 Nov}

This week my aim is to support my body by feeding it the cleanest freaking food possible and exercising with intention (as in, being really present, really focused, challenging myself). I want: vitality. Vigour. Verve. Va Va VOOM!

I’ve let my sweet tooth take the reins far too often lately and it’s time to make meal planning and awesome food choices my top priority. I’m also really missing my long runs – I’ve been craving a 15km run – so I’m definitely going to schedule one of those in this week.

What about you? Are you feeling a bit sluggish at the moment? Could you do with a week where the whole focus is on energy-giving tucker and breaking a sweat?

Join me in the comments and let me know what you’ll be committing to goal-wise this week, my loves!

Image: Aubrey Road

A Goal a Week Before 2013: Dreamin’ + Schemin’

{WEEK 3: 5 – 11 Nov}

This “scaled back” approach to my goals is really working for me. Like, really working. A magnificent sense of calm has washed over me and I feel centred, energised – and funnily enough – jazzed to go over and above (in a good way, not one that impinges on my happiness).

In the past little while I’ve uncovered something I’ve always believed at my very core, but have often layered with blankets of busyness: simplifying is incredibly powerful. In establishing laser-sharp, uncomplicated goals, I’ve suddenly gotten very clear about A Lot of Things, a lot of really exciting things in fact. In simplifying my life – just a little, not too much – two opportunities have presented themselves to me in the past week, shimmering with promise and delight… and the best part is, there’s been enough space in my life to accept them.

I’ve said it a bajillion times before but it’s worth repeating: big shifts happen when we set intentions and meet those intentions halfway with action. 

Last week my focus was creativity. I spent the week visualising the words “creative flow” on waking each day – my morning ritual – and I had fun crafting decorations for my birthday (sneak peeks above).

Ramai and I went stick hunting, I marvelled at the grandness of nature in all its divine beauty, I wrote love-soaked observations in my Moleskine and I felt more creative all week. I became it, letting it sit gently on my skin.

This week, the spotlight’s on DREAMIN’ + SCHEMIN.’ New vision boards, new affirmations, moodboards for my blog redesign, mind mapping and a kinesiology sesh thrown in for good measure!

I’D LOVE TO KNOW: how are you going with your goals so far? What will you focus on this week? Share away in the comments below!