Reach for Freedom by Just BEing


* This guest post by life coach and all-round gorgeous woman, Kate Swoboda from Your Courageous Life is the perfect follow on from yesterday’s post on intention, embracing adventure and BEING in the moment. Enjoy!


Consider this: How often do we start out on a dream and then give up if we run into several challenges or blocks? What would it look like if we weren’t attached to the end result, trusting that the challenges were part of the process? How much kinder would we be to ourselves if we were more invested in BEing our journey rather than “being on” a journey?

There’s a subtle, yet critical, difference between BEing your journey in life and being on a journey, and the difference between the two means everything when you’re trying to make real life changes.

BEing a journey looks like saying that you’re ready for change and holding that truth, without attaching to an idea of what it ‘has to’ look like at the end. You say that you want to run a business, write a book, or forgive your parents? BEing your journey means you stop having a preconceived idea of what that must look like. BEing your journey makes room for every dream you have to look differently than what you had expected.

BEing a journey is having a commitment to walking a path, not walking a path “if and only if it looks okay to me and I get what I want.” BEing a journey is the way of releasing an attachment to results.

BEing a journey creates more space for not giving up when challenges arise, because one can only give up on a task or a goal—we cannot give up on BEing. The emphasis shifts from attainment of some goal at the end—the job, the relationship, the weight loss, the awards, the money—and becomes about the deep process of living that happens along the way. This is about being present and alert to all of the beauty that you might otherwise miss, if you were focused solely on “arriving.”

BEing your journey is perhaps the most courageous and beneficial step you could take in your life.

Perhaps you’re reading this and thinking, “Wait a second. I want to change things. Now you’re suggesting that I let go of any attachment to changing things? Is this some kind of reverse-psychology? What am I going to get out of this?”

Here’s what we get out of choosing to BE a journey rather than focus on an end result, every single time.


* Less tension or anxiety.

* Less worry about “messing it up” (how can you mess it up if you’re willing to BE a journey and trust that the “messing up” could be part of getting you to where you want to be? Every step, every piece, has value when you choose to BE a journey.)

Less control of others (You no longer need them act/be/say things/think a certain way).

What you’re hoping to cultivate in usually comes faster and easier.

When it doesn’t come faster and easier, you often realise later that the slower/harder path taught you a lot more and you’re grateful for it.

* When the thing you were hoping for didn’t come, without a doubt something even better, perhaps even something you wanted more, showed up.

Freedom – a glorious feeling of freedom to just. be. without. the. inner. critic. tension. (Basically, the “bad days” just don’t feel as bad when you’re not attaching to them as some kind of evidence of being on the wrong path—instead, BEing is accepting that bad days happen, they’re part of BEing a journey, and that’s that).


Most importantly—a willingness to BE a journey has lets you set a goal and stay on the path. You don’t give up on things; you revise. Journeys are about moving along a path, not magically transporting from one point to another in a second. Because you allow that space, you see the evidence of change showing up in your life on a regular basis.

I invite you to start creating your life for yourself.

Create it by making connections with others and sharing your experience. Create it by staying more internal. Create it by deciding how much time you want to put in. Create it by getting a new, clean notebook or create it by chucking the notebook and writing on scarlet-red paper from the art store or by never writing down a thing but just carrying ideas through your day. Create it in a way that works for you, and be willing to BE a journey, to notice what works for you and what doesn’t, and to revise as you go along.

If you step into BEing a journey, you can’t “do it wrong”. Whatever shows up as “wrong” is the gift of noticing where something doesn’t work for you, and choosing a different path.


Kate Swoboda is a Life Coach, speaker and writer who helps clients to lead unconventional and revolutionary lives through practicing courage. She’s the author of The Courageous Living Guide, and creator of the Courageous Play and Create Stillness retreats–as well as The Coaching Blueprint, a resource just for Life Coaches. When she’s not writing, coaching, or leading retreats in Italy and San Francisco, she can be found sipping chai in libraries, buffing up on her Italian, training for her next road race, or getting all bendy-stretchy on the yoga mat.

You can find Kate at


Ever caught yourself venturing down the path of “all striving, no arriving?” I know I definitely have, and there’s a marked difference in how much I relish achieving something when I haven’t taken the time to appreciate the steps and lessons along the way.

BEing to me means reading a book without reaching over to check Facebook on my phone between chapters. It means fully listening, giving someone my all. It means putting down the camera and soaking in the beauty of a new location first and foremost. It’s starting my day with an intention, meditating, practicing yoga, refraining from filling every moment with must-do’s, celebrating an accomplishments before diving into the next.

What about you? What does “BEing” look like in your life? I’d love to hear your stories, challenges and lessons learned in the comments below.

Image: Verily Mag

Rapid-Fire Wisdom for Some of Your Biggest Challenges

“I’m stuck, lost, in need of direction. I know what I want but how do I get there?”

You know what living a magnificent life means for you? It’s following the blazing inspiration that’s alight in your heart and seeing it through from start to heavenly end. I’m talking about your vision, your genius, the dazzling gifts bestowed upon you. You know, your birthright.

I know it can appear hard to get yourself ‘there’ because ‘there’ seems like this far-off place where magical things happen and spirits fly free – no longer compromised or buried inside meaningless living – but I want you to comfort yourself with the fact that instead of tackling the whole 1000-piece puzzle at once, it’s okay to simply connect the bottom corner to the next piece. And then add a piece after that. And maybe another when the spirit moves you.

Great whopping books are written word by word, page by page, just like houses are built brick by brick. You could do worse than adopt the same lead when it comes to The Reason You’re Here on Earth.

“If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are — if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.” ~ Joseph Campbell

“I’m scared of going it alone… and I’m scared of admitting that.”

Courageous transitions call for support so:

Forget this: it’s shameful and weak to ask for help; and

Know this: asking for help is powerful. It’s clever and brilliant and invites ease into your life, allowing you feel held and present while you focus on your soul’s work.

“How do I know if it’s right for me?”

Simply tune in to your deepest intuition, your inner whisper, the oracle inside that just… knows.

“We often hesitate to follow our intuition out of fear. Most usually, we are afraid of the changes in our own life that our actions will bring. Intuitive guidance, however, is all about change. It is energetic data ripe with the potential to influence the rest of the world. To fear change but to crave intuitive clarity is like fearing the cold, dark night while pouring water on the fire that lights your cave. An insight the size of a mustard seed is powerful enough to bring down a mountain-sized illusion that may be holding our lives together. Truth strikes without mercy. We fear our intuitions because we fear the transformational power within our revelations.” ~ Caroline Myss

When you learn to not only hear that soft, true and valid voice within, but to trust it completely, everything shifts. Call a committee meeting with your inner wisdom today.

“It feels like I’m constantly pushing. Why is everything I do so goddamn hard?”

Stop doing the things that kill your energy. If you let it die, it will die. Pleasedontletitdie.

“How do I stop feeling inadequate, not good enough?”

Left to her own devices, your inner critic is a bit of a bitch. She’ll show up unannounced when you’re feeling vulnerable or out of your comfort zone and dish up her own special brand of noxious nonsense, just ’cause she can. Just ’cause she knows you’ll cop it.

Protect your tender self and examine all the facts. Are they true? Really? Really?

Decide whether you’re going to allow your limiting beliefs, or the echo of your parents or your boss or whoever else you’re holding in a place of authority, keep you from shining like the luminous beacon of light you are. Write your fears and doubts and murkiest thoughts on paper to take the first step in releasing them. There are outrageously beautiful qualities inside you. Blaze.

“But… it’s not perfect.”

Good news: nothing is. Perfection is a myth. What’s admirable is that you are infinitely and actively growing, loving and evolving. Even when you fail miserably and publicly. Even when your thing isn’t tuned and preened within an inch of its life.

Instead of striving to be perfect, take heed of Tony Robbins advice and aim instead to be a sublimely flawed human being.

“Live life fully while you’re here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You’re going to anyway so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don’t try to be perfect. Just be an example of being human.”

Sky-high expectations and crippling doubts – we won’t be needing your services anymore. Thank you anyway.

“I’m kinda awkward, a bit weird. How do I fit in?”

Embrace what makes you different. I was thinking about the things I’ll never be recently. I’ll never be totally conservative because although on the whole I can be quiet obedient, there’s this part of me that likes to rebel. I’ll never be a hard-hitting journalist, because I’m not into confrontation. I’ll never wear Peter Pan collars and collect vintage oil paintings and cute owl trinkets because that’s not MY style. There are people that do all that and be all that (I know and love those people), with far more spunk than I ever could. What I’m left to step into is my own authenticity.

I want you to know – hand-on-heart – that your (self-diagnosed) awkwardness or the things that are different and vulnerable are no doubt the things the world loves most about you. Come alive being fabulously you.

“What if I fail?”

Sometimes we resist the things we know are good for us because we’re afraid of who we’ll become. Thing is though gorgeous, worry is like a prayer for something bad to happen.

If you fail, you’ll pick yourself back up again. If you falter, you’ll eventually find your way – or another way. Leave the small stuff behind and promise us you’ll play bigger.

Other random mind-benders and flipped and dipped perspectives:

1 // Life happens for you – not to you.

2 // Instead of “having to do all these things” you “get to do all these things.”

3 // The only permission you need is your own.

4 // Struggles are our defining moments.

5// Ali Brown (via Denise Duffield-Thomas) asks: “What would millionaire {your name} do?” So, what would millionaire you do? Millionaire you would book it/ do it/ take it/ leave it/ launch at it. Consider yourself nudged.

6// It’s OK to pull back from the world. And as long as you know that ‘wherever you go, there you are’ it’s totally OK to hightail it out of here for a while. A change in location will annihilate blockages like nobody’s biz.

7// When you’re exceptionally busy and stressed and over it, be of service. Taking the focus off your own issues is guaranteed to mellow the madness.

8// And it’s worth reminding yourself that sometimes, just sometimes, not getting what you want can be the biggest blessing of all.

The inspiration for this post came from the questions I asked on Facebook a few days ago: “What are you struggling with? What’s grinding your gears, stealing your spark, putting a big ol’ dampener on things?” It also comes from conversations and emails and the things that crop up in my own life. These are universal conundrums, felt by us all.

+ If you didn’t get a chance to share your challenges on Facebook, I encourage you to let them unfurl here.

+ Let’s get share-y: what works for you when you’re going through a rough patch? Unleash your tips/ advice/ shiny nuggets of wisdom below.


Images: Dream Yourself Along | Sankaku | Ethereal Taurus

The eBook Has Landed! More Magic, All the Time: 20 Ways to Create Your Best Life Ever

Today is a very special day!

Right here, right now, I’m launching my first eBook More Magic, All the Time: 20 Ways to Create Your Best Life Ever out into the ether and if I could pirouette my way across your screen, I would. In fact, imagine me doing just that. That, or moonwalking. You choose. All I know is I’m excited.

I’ve been working behind the scenes on this shiny new baby of mine – getting it all jazzed up for your reading pleasure – and I’m so thrilled to be able to share it with you all because I’ve got a feeling it’s going to excite you as much as it excites me.

Want to know the best news? It’s FREE. Actually, that’s not the best news – the even better news is that when I wrote it, I pretended that you’d be paying for it.

I went for:

+ High-density.

+ (Mega) high-quality.

+ Useful, actionable, relatable and totally, utterly, completely inspiring.

Basically, the kind of stuff you love reading here, all wrapped up in one strikingly beautiful package (with added quote-y goodness).

Radiant Praise. Juicy Love.


“Want to live a life that has you leaping out of bed every day, happily basking in every moment, and excited with anticipation of what the next brilliant moment will bring? Read More Magic, All The Time. Rachel is my inspiration can opener, and her eBook did not fail to pry me open even more. In this eBook, Rachel bolsters our dreams, gently soothes us with her everything-is-going-to-be-amazing-you-just-wait tone, and leads us through simple steps for fulfilling our potential in the world. Let even a little of Rachel’s practical positivity rub off on you and you will be much better for it.”


“In my humble opinion, Rach was sent here to (among other things) be a best friend to each and every one of us.  This woman truly takes your soul and gently nurtures it with incredible, inspirational wisdom, before floating it back to your waking reality – where it’s now perfectly aligned with your big, bigger, biggest dreams. Each sentence in this warm book feels like home; it feels like hot chocolate and a salon blow wave and a crackling fire.  It will make you sigh, deeply. You’ll rapidly become your own best friend and find yourself on a crazy-woman mission to find peace and ease and beautiful stillness. Generously, Rach has gift wrapped her soulful online home, In Spaces Between, into a go-to spirit retreat for us to treasure forever. Make this whole book your manifesto – I dare you!”


“Wow. My eyes lit up when I opened More Magic, All the Time: 20 Ways to Create Your Best Life Ever. It is so deliciously gorgeous, bubbly, romantic and amazingly inspiring. After reading it cover to cover, I immediately felt clearer about my purpose on this beautiful Earth, and so much more inspired to live a more magical life. Rachel rocks it in this gorgeous testimony to all things true and wonderful about life. It is a must-have for any inspiration junkie – the design alone is enough to brighten your day, just wait until you soak up the poetic words of wisdom!”


“There are so many beautiful eBooks any one of us can access but there’s something very special that makes More Magic All The Time stand out from the crowd. It’s not that it’s beautifully written, beautifully presented and beautifully authentic – even though it is all those things. It’s because if you chose to fully commit to your loving self and put into action the inspirational prompts and suggestions within it – your life will change for the better… immeasurably. Big call I know, but as a coach and counsellor working with people every day trying to achieve just that. I stand by the fact it will – with love and conviction.”


The Details: Where Do I Get a Copy?


I’m pleased to announce that I’ve just introduced a mailing list to In Spaces Between and I’m going to be sending out monthly love letters to you all, full of my best stuff (the months are rolling around quickly these days but if needed I * may * change this to fortnightly updates, but I’ll keep you posted on that one – we’ll see how we go!).

To jump on the list and download a copy of More Magic, All the Time immediately, simply fill in the deets below (or up the top of the sidebar) and hightail it to your inbox to get your hands on your treat!

Get your copy of my eBook now... it's FREE!

“Stop waiting, now is the time to be your best. Rachel’s energy is infectious, and I’m always inspired by In Spaces Between. Her positivity is tangible and her eBook combines words to live by with practical tips to help you make your potential a reality. Stop hoping and start doing. Rachel will guide you through those first steps and help you see the magic in your every day.”


“More Magic, All The Time is like a comforting hug mixed with a dash of sparkle and a pinch of zest! I have always loved the way Rach connects with you as though you’re the only person that matters, but this eBook takes that to another level. Her warm words of wisdom speak right to your heart and encourage you to get the most out of life. If you need a little nudge to get moving on your goals and dreams, this book is for you. Soak up all of Rach’s TLC, devour the inspiring quotes and then get moving on creating a life full of gratitude, positivity and (of course) magic!”


“I am officially juiced up on inspiration, positivity and wicked design!  If you need a pick me up, a nudge in the right direction or a heart-to-heart with a girlfriend, this eBook has you covered.  Simply download + expand!”

SUSANA FRIONI | Susana Frioni

Three Final Things:


1 // Once you tear through your copy of Make Magic, All the Time (highly recommend you print it out)I’d love to hear your thoughts so hop-skip-jump back here and leave your feedback in the comments (please!)

2 // I’d be wildly grateful for sweet Tweet-stimonials and Facebook hurrahs (or Instagram photo-evidence) if you enjoy your goodie.

You can use the buttons below or tag me @rachelmagahy (Twitter); @In Spaces Between (Facebook) or @rachelcmacdonald (Instagram). I’ll be compiling your lovely words in a future post, so many thanks in advance for spreading the word to your compadres!

3 // I love you guys. Thank you so much for inspiring me daily. Stuff like this comes from a place of inspiration… and it’s YOU GUYS that take me there.

Gratitude galore. Go get it, it’s time to make magic. x

Do the Work: Inspired Action in the Face of Procrastination


The balcony door is wide open and the curtains are swaying, the sky a slightly lighter shade of blue than it was this morning when I was out running around the national park across the road. There are birds – many birds – loud, singsong-y and free, chirping at each other, chasing each other around that big blue expanse, the sun sliding down in the distance.

Friends are coming home from the beach, one yelling out to another at home on the balcony: “Throw the keys down!” “THE KEYS!” And everyone laughs and the thrower is teased, his aim crooked, the keys completely missing their target. It sounds – and smells – like someone’s having a BBQ. The laughing continues, there’s a splash in the pool. More birds. Some noisy cars. Sunday sounds.

All this happens while I’m resisting. It’s been four hours now and while my beloved naps beside me on the couch, I’ve been sprawled out in a mismatched ensemble of floral pants, a stripy hoodie, zero makeup and chipped plum nail polish whipping through chapters of my latest read – the book I’ve just finished and wedged in its tight new home on the shelves – sabotaging my own grand plans for the day.

The thing is, today was meant to be my “blog” day. I even scribbled a cheerful (possibly over-ambitious) to-do list this morning, with time blocks and pink highlights and big, black letters to KEEP ME ON TRACK. It’s stuck on the wall above my monitor to help me make things happen… and until now, while I sit here typing these words, resistance has kept me from doing any of it.

Master Procrastination Techniques


If you’ve ever procrastinated before (and if you haven’t, deep-bow-my-worship-I-am-not-worthy), you’ll probably recognise some of today’s antics below:

1. Grocery shopping. Not a full shop, just a necessary trip all the way to the supermarket to get supplies for lunch. Fantastic time-killer.

2. Taking at least 30 minutes to make said lunch. And then, of course, allocating plenty of time to eat lunch slowly… and tucking into “a chapter or two” for dessert “… and then I’m definitely getting on the computer, OK?”

3. Cleaning. The bedroom, my computer desktop (shortly after failed writing attempt #1).

4. Writing a list of potential blog topics for the next month on my calendar – a list I know I’ll never stick to because I rarely (never) follow an editorial calendar. Seemed important to do it TODAY though.

5. Editing photos for my work Facebook page. On a Sunday. I don’t get paid to work Sundays. Textbook procrastination (this one followed failed writing attempt #2).

6. Getting snacks! Filling up my glass of water way too many times! Way too many toilet breaks a result of way too many water refills!

7. Trying to do the last thing on my list first, to, you know, get into something. Ending up back on couch with book.

8. Meditating mid-reading sesh – for clarity and motivation – and then realising I wasn’t meditating, I was listening to the key-throwing fiasco instead.

9. Seriously contemplating why I was sitting inside when the weather was perfect and it was a freaking Sunday and I hadn’t done anything anyway so I may as well have been out there ENJOYING MY DAY OFF. Oh hello, self-pity.

Such fun!

It’s 6pm now and the book is done and I find myself here at the computer, because, despite the above indicating otherwise, I actually do want to do the work. Showing up here and writing empowering content that might answer a question or untangle an issue in your life is hugely important to me – this is the stuff that really ignites my inner inferno, as you know – which is why I wanted to share today’s little battle to let you know that we all go through periods of inaction and indifference. We all come up with justifications for why we shouldn’t, or can’t, get the work done. 

Advice From the Trenches of Inactivity


Do the work.

Just do it. Start. Wobbly and fumbly but with hope in your heart. That’s all that you need from the outset (it gets better from there, I promise).

Do it because you’re ready to expand, to stretch, to tear down walls. Because it matters. Because you can’t NOT listen to the call.

Do it to create space for more. To click into gear, to encourage momentum, to unlock flow.

Do it to activate that sacred part of you that knows that anything is possible – but also knows you need to meet those shimmering intentions halfway.

Do it because what you want wants you too.

Desire can only be held down for so long.

+ Do you ever struggle with procrastination? How do you get started and “get the work done?” Share your stories, tips and tricks in the comments below!

Image: Julian Bialowas 

Blog Break: What I Did, What I Learnt + Why You Totally Need to Lose the Guilt!

Hello, hello!

I’m back after my week off, and although I’m sitting here with a lovely neck/ shoulder sprain (eck), I’ve had an awesome week that has been as productive as it has restorative. Definitely feeling significantly more refreshed and on top of things!

I knew it was time for a digital hiatus. You just know… you know? Inspiration was lagging, I felt continually swamped and the same old story was replaying in my head: “I just need to get this done and then {insert flimsy promise to take a break}.”

Stepping away from my blog meant I was able to create space to wrap up some loose ends – you know, the stuff that gets transferred from to-do list to to-do list – and slow down the pace so new thoughts could find their way out through the noise.

This is What I Did


Reading. I read Susannah Conway’s tender memoir This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart – a book that shoots straight for the soul – and was left feeling peaceful, contemplative and moved. Her book is described on Amazon as “a cosy blanket for your heart” and I couldn’t think of a better description. It’s seriously like a deep conversation or a tight embrace from your best friend – the friend that’s been dragged around the block and back again and has truckloads of wisdom to impart because of it. I love reading books of people who I follow online – it’s so nice to feel that you already “know” them before you dive in.

I also tucked in to Marcus Buckingham’s Find Your Strongest Life: What the Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently which is brilliant. I first heard of Marcus Buckingham in B-School, as Marie Forleo recommended his book Now, Discover Your Strengths (sitting on my bedside table, begging to be read) and really enjoyed this book, partly because he talks about striving for imbalance and fullness instead of the mythical notion of ‘balance’ that we’ve all heard about one too many times (spoke about that in my video here actually).

Immersed myself in Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday videos. Have you had a chance to check out Super Soul Sunday? If not, oh darling, do you have some inspiration coming your way! Straight after reading Cheryl Strayed’s incredible book Wild, I jumped on to the SSS site to watch Oprah’s interview with Cheryl (awesome and insightful) as well as her chats with Wayne Dyer about his ‘miracle’ healing, Caroline Myss about trusting your instincts and Marianne Williamson, 20 years after a Return to Love. Powerful stuff.

TV time. My attitude towards TV is pretty neutral, and while I’m not one to watch sitcom after sitcom as not many take my fancy, I also learn a lot from the type of TV I choose to tune in to. Documentaries get a solid run at our place (along with sport – Ramai is a huge fan) and over the past week I’ve enjoyed some ‘lazy time’ watching a Nat Geo doco on Russia, a music doco on Patty Schemel, drummer from the band Hole (I may have spent most of it sighing at Courtney Love) and a few episodes of Damages (rad show).

I’ve also enjoyed getting all patriotic and flicking on the Olympics on a regular basis. Have you been watching?

Planned Life Reset 2.0. Remember the Life Reset? This break has been the 2012 version of the life reset and today I kick off a two week health program/ gentle detox that entails super-easy-to-implement things like starting the day with warm water and apple cider vinegar to aid digestion, plenty of green goodness and taking supplements that support the liver and bowel and more challenging things like no sugar/ dairy/ wheat/ alcohol/ caffeine.

So need this at the moment and can’t wait to be bouncing off the walls in two weeks’ time. I’ma ready for some reckless radiance!

Deepened connections. This past week has been seriously delicious on the connection front. I’ve had hour-long Skype chats with my gorgeous friends Tara from Such Different Skies (our first chat “in person”) and Kim from Dream. Delight. Inspire. (live from Europe!) and I was also beyond thrilled to meet a vibrant group of beautiful ladies at the QLD B-School “graduation” dinner. We ate raw avocado and cacao pie and sipped coconut water, and it was so lovely to finally meet Jess from The Wellness Warrior, Susana from Deleriously Deep, organic gardener extraordinaire Nicola Chatham, Hannah, Kylie, Maria and a bunch of other gloriously inspiring women in person. I was buzzing the whole way home!

Guest posting. Speaking of Jess, I wrote a guest post on opening yourself up to receiving more in your life on The Wellness Warrior this week. Check, check, check it!

Creative pursuits. I’ve been writing a fair bit. I changed my idea for my e-book so I’ve essentially started from scratch (which I’m feeling great about). Juicy words have been scribbled in my Magic Moleskine, I’ve written lists of people I want to work with over the next year (coaches et al). A site redesign has been roughly planned – and I’ve decided to hold off for a little while. It’s amazing what insights bubble up when you give yourself some breathing space! Also answered a bunch of interview questions that really got me thinking and I can’t wait to share the link with you once the Q & A goes live this week. It’s a revealing one, I tell ya!

From words to video, from inside to the great outdoors, Saturday was spent shooting some footage with my man, and while we definitely have a lot to learn, you have to start somewhere right? For kicks, we edited a teeny vid using footage Ramai shot around my hens weekend/ our engagement shoot, shown below. FUN!

This is What I Learnt 


A break is a gift you give yourself. No one else knows your schedule and how hard you’re pushing quite like you do, so when you need respite, the decision has to come from… you guessed it… you!

I’m calling it: enough with the guilt. Let’s join hands and yell our goodbyes to blogger/ mother/ uni/ entrepreneur/ whatever guilt right this very second, shall we? We’ve all got enough going on in our lives not to add lugging a big ol’ bag of guilt around on our backs, so I propose we stop apologising and start making space for creativity to flow by stepping back, lowering expectations and turning the volume down a notch.

A big revelation for me on my time off was that I NEVER feel guilty taking my four weeks annual leave in my full-time job (in fact, I always know I deserve it) yet I feel this ever-present, nagging guilt if I miss a few days here on the blog, which is all completely self-created of course. It seems to be an affliction that runs rife amongst bloggers (the ones I’ve come into contact with anyway) but the irony is that the pause always comes with surprising benefits and everyone is better off.

As I look towards working for myself one day, this lesson has been a really important one to learn. The off-button is there to be used on occasion and unless I slip up (in which case, please alert me to it) I’m promising myself that from now on that I won’t say sorry for taking a few days off here and there when I need them do avoid the dreaded burnout.

I’ve noticed saying sorry puts me on the back foot – energetically, it’s like saying “I’m failing” – and that’s not the type of energy I want to bring to my down time, which is all about recalibrating and rejuvenating. If you need the nod yourself, this is it – you deserve some time out, gorgeous, so please schedule it in – unapologetically!

I’m changing. I’m being cracked open. My attitude towards earning potential and business is shifting in major ways at the moment, and I definitely have B-School and the women who are part of it to thank for that. Things I thought I wanted to do with my life aren’t appealing to me so much anymore. Other things have come to the fore. Most of the time, it’s in looking back that we realise our outlook on life has changed, but it is certainly interesting to observe the shifts as they’re happening. Totally diggin’ it.

It’s all about women. For me at this juncture in my life, anyway. My female friendships are expanding at a ridiculously exciting rate and I’m loving the variety of people who are entering my life. I’ve always enjoyed lots of lovely female friendships but the depth and breadth right now is kinda electrifying. Feeling super blessed that there are women out there doing incredible things with their lives and showing me what’s possible. More, please!

+ Your turn. I’d love to know what you’ve been up to and have to ask: do you get the guilts? What is it about pausing and taking time off that brings up such resistance for us all? Spill the beans in the comments!

Images: Mammoth & CompanyWords Over Pixels

What’s Your Dream?

I’m halfway through Denise Duffield-Thomas’ ridiculously inspiring book ‘Lucky Bitch: A Guide for Exceptional Women to Create Outrageous Success’ and one of the biggest messages I’m getting (loud and clear) is that it’s not only essential to build a razor sharp vision for what you want, it’s just as important to share those big, wild, exciting dreams of yours with the world.

Denise tells the story of how her and her husband won a six month, all-expenses-paid gig, where essentially they travelled around the globe reviewing the crème de la crème of honeymoon destinations and getting paid to write about the experience. A pretty spectacular job, no? (picking up on the ‘lucky bitch’ vibe yet?)

Actually, it’s the backstory of how they got to that point that’s the important bit, so listen up. On her own honeymoon in Indonesia, Denise stood on the deck of the gorgeous rustic cabin her and her new husband were staying in and declared to the Universe that this is what she wanted more of. Hand on heart, she asked to be shown a way to create a life where relaxing and travelling – yoga each morning, exploration, fresh exotic food – could be part of her day-to-day reality.

Months before, she’d written down her “ideal day” in vivid detail, and there she was, on her honeymoon, living it out word-for-word. That was step one.

The next step was visualising this incredible life she desired – not just over the 3 weeks of her honeymoon, as a daily reality – and sharing that big dream, which is essentially where the magic happened. A friend of Denise’s had heard about this ‘Ultimate Job in the World’ and passed it on to her, knowing it was her dream gig. And so started the process of manifesting that into being.

If Denise hadn’t shared her dream, do you think her friend would have just randomly passed that crucial information on? Not likely. Sharing her ‘ideal life’ was how Denise attracted it to her like a magnet – because ultimately, sitting around thinking about something is only half the equation when it comes to “manifesting.” The other half is putting it out there and taking action.

Along this same line of thinking, one of my delightful bloggy friends Tara from Such Different Skies wrote a brilliant post this week called Tell Us Your Dream and in it, she did just that – boldly declaring what she wants to do with her life. With specifics. Juicy, glorious details.

I’ve spoken about my own dreams quite a bit on this blog but I feel like the timing is perfect to clarify what my ‘ideal life’ entails and to open up the space to hear from you guys! Denise’s story is just one example of how potent it can be to DECLARE IT + SHARE IT, so let’s rummage around in those tucked away corners of ourselves that house The Stuff We Really Want to Do In This Lifetime – and make it happen, shall we?

Here goes:


As a multi-passionate, variety-is-the-spice-of-life kinda gal, I spend my days inspiring and empowering women across the globe through heart-stirring words and life-changing coaching. I also bring magic and creativity to breathtaking celebrations – all in the name of love and happiness.

My gorgeous husband and I have passports jam-packed with stamps, marking our arrivals in exotic locales and big, bustling cities. A huge chunk of my work – the pursuits that have me jumping out of bed with excitement and gratitude each morning – are done on a laptop from a place of our choosing, or from the spectacular retreat-like sanctuary we’ve built for ourselves.

I write best-selling books that shine a bright light on people’s truest desires and most importantly, change their lives.

My life’s mission is to add more love to the world and I’m supported by a constant flow of money that allows me to freely experience whatever I want, helping and championing others in the process. I am healthy, exuberant, madly in love, totally confident and deeply, deeply fulfilled.

Gosh that feels good.

Are you ready to give it a go too beautiful? Don’t worry about how your dream sounds, or if it’s not quite perfect (you always have the choice to change your mind, after all!) – simply start the process of defining and refining so the universe can whip the life you were PUT ON THIS EARTH TO LIVE into existence.

On your marks… get set… GO! I can’t wait to hear your dreams!

Images: via Swiss Miss | The Wheatfield on Etsy

The Best Thing You Can Do To Make More Friends, Grow Your Community & Be Generally Awesome

Blow other people’s trumpets. 

Send emails jammed with enthusiastic words of encouragement (be specific).
Retweet words of wisdom. Share, share, share. Play your part.
Leave thoughtful comments.
Be a cheerleader (pom poms optional).
Compliment strangers.
Become a magnet for new opportunities… by seeking them.
Think love. Be love.
Hold people in the highest regard.
Ask “who can I help?” – and go do it. Offer your services, add value. Go above and seriously beyond.
Walk into situations expecting the best.
Start a support group. Bring kindred spirits together to form a greater ‘whole.’
Show up, even if you don’t have to.
When people hint at their dreams, ask for more. Listen, applaud, champion.

Keep it real – always.

Marta Jagus