Blogs to Bookmark

A huge hello and welcome to the first Blogs to Bookmark for 2013!

Get your click on and check out the inspiring blogs I’ve stumbled across lately while traipsing around cyberspace.* Today’s list is a bit of a mish mash of photography, lifestyle, health, empowerment and style.

* I should note here that MB Captured is one I’ve been reading forever – written by my bloggy friend Mon – and I realised recently I hadn’t shared here yet.

1. MB Captured


2. Earth Sprout


3. Love Taza 


4. Your Zen Life 


5. Debbie Reber 


6. Kenzas 


7. Native Fox 


Links I’m Loving This Week


1. I can’t speak highly enough of my beautiful coach Julie Parker and this video – her Tedx talk about compassionately questioning the voice within – gives you a shining insight into why I feel so honoured to be working with her. Don’t you just feel like you’ve been hugged after listening to that?

2. My girl Christina from Hair Romance has two new blogs (because, y’ know, she’s not already killing it… OH WAIT, YES SHE IS). Nail Romance and Mr and Mrs Romance. Take a peek.

3. 50 things to stop doing forever.

4. The recipes on this site are oh-my-god-epic.

5. Bravo Justine Musk, this post on story-telling and resonance is so spot on (in fact, the fear of coming across too self-indulgent is something that comes up with my coaching clients and this article could not be more perfect in response).

6. And bonus link: I was featured as one of 15 ‘bloggers to watch in 2013’ over on Problogger. Mind. BLOWN. Yipppeee!

17 Comments to “Blogs to Bookmark”

  1. Congratulations Rachel on being one of the bloggers to watch in 2013! That is incredible!

    Thank you for the link to Justine Musk’s post about story telling + resonance. Her words helped me shift my perspective on “being self-indulgent’ and helped me see that sharing my stories could actually serve others!

    As always reading your posts is a real pleasure + joy. xx

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