Making Me Happy

If you’ve been reading In Spaces Between for a while you’ll know that at the start of the year I defined some words to live by for 2012. When I sat down and really thought about the words I wanted to guide me this year, the ones that really spoke to me were as follows (with descriptions of how I planned to apply them to my life):


This year, I’ll align:

Myself: with change agents, creative mentors, dynamos with big ideas and lots of spirit (who’ll jam with me and insist that I dig deep).
My vision: crystal clear, razor-sharp.
My passions: a conscious choice to expend my energy on the stuff that really lights me up.
Myself: to my raison d’être.


‘Ease’ serves as reminder to inhale deeply, lower the pressure and ease up on myself when my body calls for time out.


Amplify is a bold word. Consider this my official declaration: I’m crankin’ the freakin’ dial up in 2012 (a bazillion decibels!)

After digging out the post the other day and evaluating where I’m at right now, I realised that those intention-laden guiding principles I set back in January have absolutely manifested in my life the way I imagined they would.

Through B-School and this blog, I’ve aligned myself with soulful sistas with big ideas and even bigger hearts. When it comes to ease, I’ve known when I need to pull back and (mostly) I’ve listened and slowed down. Life has been amplified on all levels – my bloggy baby has stretched and evolved, opportunities to spread my message have abounded, blessings have rolled in and our wedding was everything we dreamed it would be.

Checking in has warmed and comforted me, especially since my big focus this week was taking the foot off the accelerator and honing in on that potent word: EASE. Here’s how it all unfolded…

Country Love


Ramai and I have officially reached the age where “going for a drive” is considered a pretty sweet way to spend the day. Ohyeahwehave.

On Saturday, we jumped in the car and headed out to Birrell Creek near Mt Warning (past Murwillumbah/ Uki in Northern NSW) for the housewarming of our friends Danny and Olly and let me just say, a freaking fantastic day was had by all.

Along with their little boy, Danny and Olly live in the house below (epic or what?) and the incredible location, coupled with the fact the weather was absolutely breathtaking, had me daydreaming about writing books in a cute writer’s cottage tucked away in the mountains, where chickens roam free and a fires smoulder away in winter. Simply divine.

(that’s the side of Mt Warning above – anyone who has ever done the hike knows just how amazing the views are in the area).

Ramai’s mate Benny (above) – who actually owns the house that was being ‘warmed’ – also took the two of us on a little off road adventure, across rocky creeks and up steep dirt road inclines which reminded me of going to my Uncle’s property in Hamilton, Victoria when I was a kid.

All that fresh air and greenery and walking through the bush and getting dirty took me back right back to the memories of riding Pee Wee 50 motorbikes with my cousins and crashing out in bed early after running around the paddocks all day. Some of my favourite times, in fact.

What I Learnt:

My outdoorsy weekend, and having no phone reception for almost a full day (!!) shone a light on the undeniable fact that I’ve been spending far too much time on the computer every weekend, which is something I’m going to be really conscious of this summer. My productivity at work on Monday after disconnecting for most of the weekend and the deep sense of happiness I felt after our day ‘in the sticks’ is incentive enough.

I guess there’s a reason why Saturday and Sunday are referred to as the WEEK END. Light and shade, work and play – a delicate balancing act.

Above: That’s cutie pie Asher. Gorgeousness personified.

Below: Love these pics. It’s like Ramai and his lover Benny are on their summer vacation.

Sunnies, Sunnies, Sunnies!


Top: Ksubi. Bottom left: Sportsgirl. Bottom right: Retro Superfuture – Ramai’s sunnies that he’s decided he doesn’t like anymore. WIN!

My interest in fashion waxes and wanes in a way – I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love stylish wares and am quite partial to a shopping spree (ahem) but sometimes I’m just not that interested. My brain tends to oscillate between loves and obsessions on a regular basis so while I go through phases where I feel like deleting whole sections of my Google Reader (for instance, the fashion blog section), a month later I find myself inextricably drawn to that very category. Yes, I’m a strange, strange child. I’m also a Sagittarian. I hope that explains things.

Anyway, I woke up the other day feeling a major urge to surf the net and immerse myself in pretty things. Surface stuff, easy, light, “Pinteresting”, eyes-bulging-from-the-beauty kinda net surfing. It was as if after months of being “all-in” with my biz course and ebook and writing, the visual side of my brain wanted out… and before I knew it, she was kicking off her heels and indulging in a vodka cocktail and a mani pedi (who am I to stop such pursuits?)

So what does this have to do with sunglasses? Well, I happen to have a slight penchant for sunnies, simply because I think they’re an easy way to ‘make’ a look. I’m a one bag gal but when it comes to sunnies, I mix ‘n’ match with glee, so you can see how it wasn’t my fault that a pair of Karen Walker sunnies found their way into the cart as well as these Sportsgirl el cheapo’s. You know where to come if you ever need to borrow a pair of shades. Just call me The Shady Lady.

PS: my friend below wanted to stop by and say HAI LADIES!

Getting Juiced


Maxo-energy and good vibes all round – what’s not to love? Seriously never get sick of this stuff. Are you a green goblin too?

Magnificent Morsels:

Pulling together my How to Start a Blog series (look out for some great guest interviews!) + a chilled glass of wine at the computer + goodies in the mail + funny future life convo’s with my love + “Mexicrinkles” + casting my eyes forward to my 30th birthday in November (seriously need to start planning some sort of celebration) + this video for making me feel all patriotic + date night and The Bourne Legacy + super productivity at work + my guest post on The Wellness Warrior 4 Soulful Ways to Support Yourself When Life Gets Crazy – I feel so blessed to hang in Jess’s shiny corner of the web + seeing my girls kicking ass. Like majorly. I’m like a proud mama.

“Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed.” | Mary Oliver

And that’s me! Simple pleasures, a spot of shopping, energy-giving green goodness and sloooooowing down and relishing every day.

+ What’s your greatest joy right now? What are you thankful for? You know the drill babe, share away in the comments below!

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10 Comments to “Making Me Happy”

  1. Okay. 1- Photos- amazing. Girl got skillzzz

    2. You are looking extra HOT! Trim and terrific my dear. Gorge.

    3. I just guzzled a juice while reading this- it had beets in it- so now I need to go wash my mouth because I have a beet moustache.

    I love you. Your Making Me Happy’s MAKE ME HAPPY xx

  2. Tara:

    1. Thank you! I love snapping like a madwoman.

    2. It’s all the sunnies babe, all the sunnies.

    3. Hahaha! I love this so much! And I also love beetroot juice. YUM.

    Big kisses xx

  3. Loving: Planning a trip + awesome weather + the thought of having nearly a week off in 2 weeks time (I know one shouldn’t live longing for holidays, but I’m kinda in that headspace at the moment!) + tax return time!

    Those photos are gorgeous. I haven’t done the Mt Warning walk before. My boy and I are hoping to do the My Tibrogargan (sp?) walk at the sunshine coast during our time off, so that should be fun! There’s something very primal/fulfilling/inspiring about ‘conquering’ a mountain (slash really big hill!) and the feeling of awesome accomplishment you get afterwards!

    As always, loving your Wednespiration!

  4. Whoa! The location of that house looks breathtaking. I can so imagine the little writer’s shack you’re talking about. In fact, that’s exactly what I want with ocean views as well (’cause why not?!).

    Your weekend looks so relaxing and I have to agree with Tara, you look stunning! Glowing skin = check (big time!).

    My love list goes a little something like this: prepping for a four-day weekend in Melbourne (whoop!) + my latest mag arrived back from the printers seconds ago (double whoop!) + beach walks at sunrise + sand throughout the house + open windows (all day, all night) + smoothies and green juices (i am also hooked) + almond milk + cat snuggles + people who say hello in the street instead of walking past hurriedly+ encouraging emails from an old lecturer + sweet compliments from my guy + making my way through your booklist :)

    Love to you my girl xX

  5. Another lover of sunnies! I cannot get enough and agree that they completely change/make an outfit!

    What is the name of the style of the Sportsgirl sunnies? They are HOT!

    Loving the Mt Warning memories – what a spectacular day!


  6. I am deffers a green goblin – LOVING juices, and mixing them up with smoothies. So. Good.

    Always love these posts too, v. v. v. cool!

    Have been noticing you’ve been getting lots of Wellness Warrior love lately – congratulations lady!

    And congrats on cracking the 3k mark for Facebook fans – I am just over 200 fans away from that marker as well and as much as I try not to be obsessed with stats, I am pretty excited for the day that it rolls around! :)

    Kisssessss! X

    • Hi Jess! I love seeing your name pop up here, you always leave such fab comments. Thank you!

      Trip planning = HELL YES. I so know what you mean about conquering a mountain (haha, let’s stick with mountain because it sounds fancier). Total bush warrior style. Raaaar! x

      Claire: Hello gorgeous woman! You would ADORE it… all concrete floors and amazing wood inside. Seriously cool. And yes, the ocean views are essential.. I can’t be too far from water or I go all wilty.
      Oh thanks babe, I think it might just be the lighting but I appreciate your sweet words. When are you off to Melb, this weekend? Enjoy! And finally, I’m loving that you’re digging the book recs. Big love to you xx

      Stacey Lee: They SO do. The style name is ‘Mistress.’ Xx

      Annette: Woohoo, so close – go girl! You’ll be toppling that before you know it. Green smoothies are equally as awesome. Yum, I feel like one now (at 9:06pm – haha). xx

  7. You make them sunnies LOOK GOOD!

    Ah, I love the country. So amazing, so refreshing and so good to unplug and just go bush once in awhile. ;)

    Love your photos, love your happy vibes, love ya!

  8. For some reason I always read your making me happy post the next day, and so far it has been my absolute favourite part of this morning :-) as always, your post makes me smile.

    I am especially thankful for my lovely bestie who sent me an amazing, loving and heart-to-heart email from the other side of world. She rocks!!! Where would we be without such great friends…

    Have a lovely day and keep sharing your greatness xxx

  9. Jia Ni: The bush is a soul salve. I loved watching you play in the bush in your vid! x

    Nikki: Ahh, besties… where WOULD we be without them? Amazing, gorgeous souls. Sounds like yours is a total treasure. xx

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