Making Me Happy

Hola honeys!

I want to kick off this superb day with a reminder, from my heart to yours…

You – beautiful you – are an incredible treasure, a luminous being of light. You are a gem and your being here makes the world a better place. Your life is unfolding as it’s meant to, and even if it doesn’t quite feel like it down in your bones, where you are right now is absolutely perfect – another thread woven into the intricate tapestry of your life. Mine for joy every day and know that nothing is ever permanent. The magic is in the process. The wisdom is in the journey.

“You are given the gifts of the gods; you create your reality according to your beliefs. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world. There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.” ~ Jane Roberts 

Ok, now that you know how AMAZING you are, let’s shimmy on over to this week’s Making Me Happy list.

The past seven days have been devoted to restoring my energy and getting my house in order, and I’ve revelled in the clarity that comes as a result of “tuning in.” Read on for my love list…

 Alkalising Greens


Currently crushing on: Morlife Alkalising Greens!

Lately I’ve been feeling like I need a “little boost” energy-wise, and while I’m back on the salad train and enjoying every glorious, mung bean-filled minute, I’ve been adding a spoonful of this green goodness to my water every day to great effect.

Alkalising greens are my alternative to the 3pm coffee run favoured where I work and – hand-on-heart – the new version pictured actually tastes quite good. Lime-y and fresh. Give it a go.

Soul Retreat Saturday


Let me give you a little rundown of my Saturday, a day I affectionately christened Soul Retreat Saturday because man, was it good for the soul.

I started with a Far Infra Red sauna/ Hypoxi double-up (I’ve been doing a couple of sessions like this a week and will do a wrap up soon, but let’s just say, YESYESYES). Next up was the most exquisite Reiki session (my first and certainly not my last) combined with sound bowl therapy – I literally floated out of the room.

The rest of the day can be summarised as: salads, reading, cuddles with the most amazing man in the universe (my husband!), costume shopping – and subsequent giggle-fests – and an early night. These kind of Saturdays are going to become my new normal.

Birthday Planning


Hip hip hooray, my birthday is creeping ever-closer (can you tell I love a good celebration?)

I’m not going too bananas with decorations – famous last words – but I bought the pinatas above on the weekend, along with some other fun bits and bobs that you’ll see in the post-feista photos!

Marie + Kris Mash Up


I absolutely adore this video of Marie Forleo and Kris Carr whipping up healthy goodies in Kris’ kitchen in upstate New York. These two are just divine and I’m so touched by the depth of their friendship.

Isn’t it lovely to see two powerful women celebrating each other’s brilliance and cheering each other on so generously? Give it up for the sistership! (gosh I love being a woman).

Audiobooks (yep, again!)


Listening to audiobooks as I get ready for work in the morning is a super efficient use of my time and current loves are Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy (a kick in the pants – if you’re prone to procrastination, this one’s a game changer) and Transformational Speaking by Gail Larsen.

Magnificent morsels:

Excitement to hang with the lovely Kim this weekend in Byron + Real Living mag + sunshine after the rain + the never-ending awesomery of the Internet + the wig I’ll be wearing to a costume party this weekend (meeoooow!) + raw desserts + more new succulents + incense from the neighbours wafting in through the window (yum) + YOU GUYS! x

What’s making you happy this week? You know the drill – share away sugar!

 Images: Poster | Headphones

8 Comments to “Making Me Happy”

  1. I love that you really took Saturday out for yourself and even though it sounds a little boring I am all for early Saturday nights. Waking up early on Sunday and getting the most out of the ‘lazy day’ of the week is superb!

    This week I am celebrating getting some energy back after a couple of weeks feeling UURGH, perfect timing too, this weekend is super long as Victoria shuts down the towns in anticpation of a horse race! Cheers to that.


  2. Making me happy? Glorious sunshine in Melbourne over the last few days, summer dresses that fit over my bump, coming home and spending the last of the light on the deck with the dogs, GOOD coffee after so long, thoughts of the long weekend (Melbourne Cup Day!) ahead.

    I love the top pic as well – made me chuckle this morning :)

  3. I love these posts – they make me SO happy. I love your style (for the nth time). I am almost tearing in awe with how lovely your photos are and how elegantly you put your words and photos together.

    My eyes are taking it in delightfully. Making me happy this week – Being back in the FLOW + conjuring things up behind the scenes + taking time off away from the Internet at times of the day to let the juices flow…

    P/S: You look amazing in the wig. You look like a 20 year old rocker in a band. Teehee!

  4. Making me happy is this weekend my boyfriend is getting home after his four weeks working away, always makes me happy :)

    Another happy moment – I have reunited a lost bunny with his owner, after having him take over my courtyard for the last five days (I named him Mr Shuffles)! I was very attached to him, but he’s better off in his real home. Plus it’s only two houses down so I can always visit Mr Shuffles!

    Also setting out my goals for now until Christmas is making me feel more relaxed and giving me a sense of accomplishment (so in turn happiness). Thanks for your advice on this Rach :)

  5. LOVE the mexican pinata! Where did you get it – I have a mexican themed 30th on the 24th and must have this! :-)

  6. Making me happy this week – Sydney sunshine, new lovely connections, getting back to my daily yoga at home and enjoying Sydney coffee. European coffee just doesn’t cut it!!

    Your 30th is going to be a blast!! Everybody loves a good pinata :P


  7. Mon: Totally agree – we were up at 5am on Sunday and it felt so good to go for a run and have a super long day to enjoy! So jealous of your mega long weekend. Enjoy gorgeous xx

    Sig: What a list! Xx

    Jia Ni: You’re such a babe. Time off is so essential – it’s actually quite amazing what can come out of some enforced silence. Xx

    Ashlee: Mr Shuffles – STOP IT. The cuteness! Xx

    Stevie: I got them from a party shop on the Gold Coast – where are you based? And wow, same theme, same day, what are the chances?! Have the best birthday lovely xx

    Emily: Hurrah! Caffeine + connections + child’s pose. Divine. xx

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