I’m feeling a bit ‘Oprah’s Book Club’ today with this bumper post full of all my favourite reads!
I’ve had a few requests for book recommendations of late, and as you’ll see below, I love nothing more than reading – and talking about – great books. I’ve broken my recommended reading list into two parts because it was getting a bit ridiculous, so today’s bulging post is Part 1, covering the areas of self empowerment, memoir, entrepreneurship and creativity, and Part 2 will be all about music/ celebrity, drugs, health + sport and coffee table books.
I’ve left literature and classics off (Nabokov, Tolstoy, Harper Lee, Kerouac and Thompson are my picks to stretch the edges of your brain every which way) and as you’ll soon discover, the majority of the books I read reside in the non-fiction category.
That said, though, the aim is that these posts will become a fantastic resource to refer back to time and time again let’s load up the comments with YOUR suggestions (fiction is definitely encouraged, I need to spread my wings!) so we can all circle back here next time we’re in need of a good read.
1 // ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ by Louise L. Hay (click to buy)
From the grandmama of self-empowerment herself, the starting point for a journey into healing and transformation. Every bookshelf deserves a dog-earred copy of this timeless tome.
2 // ‘You Can Create an Exceptional Life’ by Cheryl Richardson and Louise L. Hay (click to buy)
Loaded with gentle wisdom, this book plays out like a series of conversations between two of the preeminent thought leaders in the self-growth sphere.
3 // ‘Spirit Junkie: A Radical Road to Self-Love & Miracles’ by Gabrielle Bernstein (click to buy)
A radically honest walk through the life and lessons learned by spirituality’s coolest new-gen teacher Gabby Bernstein. Plenty o’ goodness on manifesting + magic + miracles + fine-tuning your intuition.
4 // ‘The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be & Embrace Who You Are’ by Brene Brown (click to buy)
Watch this first, then read Brene Brown’s book on courage, compassion, connection – and the often swept-under-the-rug emotion, shame. A brilliant combo of scientific research, storytelling and real life examples.
5 // ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle (click to buy)
Powerful teachings on presence and recognising ourselves as the creators of our own pain and joy.
6 // ‘Dying to be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing’ by Anita Moorjani (click to buy)
The incredible back-from-the-dead story of a cancer patient riddled with disease – and the epiphanies her near-death experience brought about. Eye-opening.
7 // ‘Creative Visualization‘ by Shakti Gawain (click to buy)
Affirmations and meditations to help you actively direct the course of your life.
8 // ‘The Magic of Thinking Big’ by David J. Schwartz (click to buy)
Regarded as one of the best classic books on motivation, this book uncovers the ‘secrets’ to success, happiness and relationships.
9 // ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coehlo (click to buy)
A dazzling and simple story with shiny-diamond wisdom woven through its pages. Lush, evocative. One for the ages.
A principle-centred approach to problem-solving and bettering your life.
1 // ‘Eat Pray Love’ by Elizabeth Gilbert (click to buy)
Doesn’t really need an introduction but in case you’ve been meditating in a cave in Nepal for the past six years, Eat Pray Love is the at once criticised and widely celebrated story of a woman on a journey – via Italy, India and Indonesia – back to herself.
2 // ‘Tiny, Beautiful Things: Advice on Life & Love from Dear Sugar’ by Cheryl Strayed (click to buy)
A compilation of the best (left-of-centre) advice columns from Sugar, the once-anonymous online columnist at The Rumpus, who has now been revealed to be bestselling author Cheryl Strayed. Dynamite stuff.
3 // ‘This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart’ by Susannah Conway (click to buy)
A tender and moving book about grief and self-discovery by online writer and photographer Susannah Conway, and her subsequent unfurling through connection and creativity.
4 // ‘The Bride Stripped Bare’ by Nikki Gemmell (click to buy)
This book was doing the sex + titillation thing way before Fifty Shades of Grey (and the writing is approximately 500, 000 times better). Intoxicating.
5 // ‘Gone Girl’ by Gillian Flynn (click to buy)
A can’t-put-it-down, super dark thriller that will suck you in and leave you thinking. The current popularity of this one is off the charts… for good reason.
6 // ‘Mama Mia: A Memoir of Mistakes, Motherhood & Magazines’ by Mia Freedman (click to buy)
Mia Freedman was my career idol when she was editor of Cosmo magazine (back when I had no clue just how huge a score that was at age 24). Pretty sure I tore through this open and honest insight into her life in a day, if memory serves me correctly.
7 // ‘Sold’ by Patricia McCormick (click to buy)
An evocative novel about child prostitution. It’ll get you. Right there.
8 // ‘Wild: Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail’ by Cheryl Strayed (click to buy)
Blazingly honest, superbly written, awe-inspiring. A story about grief, healing and revelation, woven into an even bigger story about the author’s backbreaking solo hike from the Mojave Desert to Washington State in the U.S. A total page-turner.
1// ‘The Firestarter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms’ by Danielle LaPorte (click to buy)
THE guide to making your purpose a reality. Juicy, deep, energetically-charged truth wrapped up in one delicious, white-hot package.
2 // ‘The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles’ by Steven Pressfield (click to buy)
I read this fascinating book in an hour-forty five last night (it’s THAT good) and if you need a swift kick up the butt to get sh*t done, look no further. Punchy wisdom, straight to your grey matter. It’ll give you tingles.
3 // ‘Career Renegade: How to Make a Great Living Doing What You Love’ by Jonathan Fields (click to buy)
Turn your passion into a goldmine, make the leap, take back your life. Jonathan Fields will tell you how to do just that in this practical, detailed and super inspirational book.
4 // ‘The 4 Hour Work Week: Escape the 9 – 5, Live Anywhere & Join the New Rich’ by Timothy Ferriss (click to buy)
Cutting-edge and revolutionary ideas about escaping the rat race and claiming your life back.
5 // ‘Escape from Cubicle Nation: From Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepeneur’ by Pamela Slim (click to buy)
How great is that title? Pleased to tell you the book is just as wonderful – extremely useful, no BS advice on transitioning from employee to entrepreneur with aplomb.
6 // ‘Now, Discover Your Strengths: How to Develop Your Talents & Those of the People You Manage’ by Marcus Buckingham (click to buy)
Discover where you shine, what your natural gifts and strengths are and how that translates to your business/ career/ life as a whole.
Side note: don’t you love how Danielle LaPorte has obviously done a spot of competitive analysis in her field and gone for ‘striking + totally different’ for her cover, in a sea of red, black and gold? Love that trailblazin’ woman!
1 // ‘Bird by Bird’ by Anne Lamott (click to buy)
If you’re a writer, or want to be, do yourself a favour and read this book. Immediately.
2 // ‘Writing Down the Bones’ by Natalie Goldberg (click to buy)
Refer to the above.
3 // ‘Juicy Pens, Thirsty Paper: Gifting the World with Your Words & Stories and Creating the Time & Energy to Actually Do It’ by SARK (click to buy)
SARK is a moonbeam, a rainbow-hued explosion, a larger-than-life bundle o’ fun. She’s also whip-smart and chock full of creative wisdom and how-to’s. This book is a gift.
4 // ‘On Writing’ by Stephen King (click to buy)
Part memoir, part instructional book on the craft of writing, totally awesome.
5 // ‘The Creative Habit: Learn it and Use it For Life’ by Twyla Tharp (click to buy)
Tharp waxes lyrical on creativity being the product of preparation and effort – something available to us all, if we work at it.
6 // ‘The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path’ by Julia Cameron (click to buy)
I haven’t actually read this one yet (it’s on the way to me in the mail) but by all accounts it’s a must-read. If you’ve ever heard a creative friend doing their ‘Morning Pages,’ this is where the idea was born.
+ What are your favourite books? Have you read (and loved) any of the above? Share away in the comments below.
Everyone loves a good book rec, so I’d be mega-grateful if you could tweet or share this post on Facebook using the buttons below. Merci, my little book-lovahs!
{PS: this post is in no way sponsored, but I’m seriously beginning to think I need a good friend at The Book Depository. Or PayPal.}