Redefining Selfish

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘selfish?’

Self-centredness? Arrogance? Egomania? Narcissism and stinginess, with a big ol’ dollop of rudeness on top?

What about if I told you that ‘selfish’ could also mean shamelessly (boldly – with intention!) putting your health and happiness first? What if I said it could signal the return to your deepest and truest SELF, gifting you with the energy to keep giving to the people you love?

It’s all about perception.

Susana Frioni knows a thing (or 10) about teaching women to honour their unique gifts with enthusiam and a truckload of passion, and I’m so excited to tell you about her online event Selfish for 27 days, which was launched out into the ether with a big kiss yesterday!

Rocking the interwebz twice a year (once in April and once in September), Selfish brings together scores of women from around the world with the purpose of redifining ‘selfish.’ The event has been called “…the catalyst, the motivation and the reason I found myself again” and I am absolutely honoured to be a featured guest contributor, alongside a coterie of inspiring woman including Jess Ainscough, Amanda Rootsey, Kate Northrup, Tali Edut (yep, the same Tali that did my Astro Reading!), Nicola Chatham, Amber Krzys and Bee Bosnak.

Tickets for this awesome event are on sale now and you have until Monday 23 April 12pm (Aust time) or Sunday 22 April 10am (New York time – lucky you!) to secure your place.

The Shiny Stuff (Aka, What You’ll Get)


  • Lifetime access to THE SELFISH TEMPLE where all the resources live (I might move in too – think they’d mind?)
  • Lifetime access to a private facebook group for endless support and encouragement.
  • A quickstart guide to “Making the most of 27 days.”
  • Raw and honest interviews with amazing featured guests.
  • Immediate access to bonus resources including: 101+ Selfish Acts. You Choose and The Wellness Warrior Selfish Kit, by the gorgeous Jess Ainscough.
  • Surprise bonuses at the end of the 27 days.
  • A community of like-minded women from all around the world.

Who is Selfish for 27 Days For?


Female entrepreneurs, bloggers, humanitarians, healers, career women, students, mothers, lovers… any woman who is craving “me time” because they are:

  • Living on the edge of exhaustion and overwhelm and know that burnout is just around the corner.
  • Having an existential crisis and feel like their world is falling apart… because it probably is.
  • Living in denial about their career/relationships/health and pretending everything is okay when deep down they know something’s got to change.
  • Frustrated that nothing seems to be going to plan no matter how much they control everything.
  • This close to giving it all up (the business, the job, the project, the relationship, the dream) because fatigue and frustration have taken over and they’re questioning if it’s really worth it any more.
  • Paralysed with indecision because they’re afraid of making the wrong decision.
  • Drenched in guilt whenever they try to do something just for themselves.
  • Seeking accountability and support while they create some positive and healthy habits.
  • Craving to connect with women who want to live a kick-ass life and are willing to take responsibility for it.

Sound incredible or what? It couldn’t have come along at a better time for me, that’s for sure, and I can’t wait to do my video interview with Susana.

To book your ticket for 27 delicious days of Selfish, click here. Self-love, clarity and strategies for magical living await – see you there!