Making Me Happy: Kicking 2013 off With a Bang!

Super pumped to be bringing you the first Making Me Happy post for 2013!

I’m not quite sure I can sum up the past few weeks – some of the most thrilling of my life – in this post, but some of the highlights are here and you can bet you’ll hear more about my transition from a full-time employee to an entrepreneur (!!) in subsequent posts.

For a visual walk through the Life of Rach (of late), let’s kick off with some Instagram shots (click to follow) shall we?

The Details

// Cooking up a storm with Donna Hay’s brilliant new cookbook Fresh and Light.

// Driving to Byron to have dinner at The Italian with Mel Ambrosini (the most divine creature ever) and her man Jamie “in real life.” Such an amazing couple. *Random sidenote here is that I always have “Oh-my-god-it-feels-like-we’ve-known-each-other-forever” moments with other Fire signs, and with a Leo, an Aries and a Saggo at the table, let’s just say the convo flowed like fine organic wine (with no alcohol involved at all). Brilliant.

// Green juicing like crazy. I try and keep things pretty healthy but I’m cranking things up a notch or 10 this year, as is Ramai. Maximum energy for making the big stuff happen.

// Date night with my gorgeous man – a “Hooray, you’re a business lady now!” celebratory dinner at one of our fave spots.

// Hydration. A must in this hot summer weather.

// Lots of running. I ran every day on the holidays – shorter runs, higher intensity, hills a-plenty. Loving it.

// Quinoa, chia and pea patties (adapted from Donna Hay’s book). Will definitely be making these again.

// Downing edamame beans like they’re going out of fashion (which would obviously never happen).

// Red lips. I’m loving the Kit Cosmetics lip gloss at the moment.

// New books. Always.

// Sneaky love notes written on heart-shaped Post It’s on my computer screen.

And I couldn’t possibly leave out the only shot I took on our SLR on the holidays… Homemade buckwheat pancakes. Drooling yet?

My Coaching Business!


Of course, this one takes the cake. It’s been all systems go since last Wednesday and let me tell you, I’m still in awe of the fact that I get to work with incredible women daily, supporting them with the right tools as they amplify their presence online (and their lives on the whole). Did anyone say ‘best job in the world?’

To give you an indication of how rad my clients are, I’ve been getting things like this:

“Dude, this is day ONE after working with YOU? Pretty sure I’ll barely recognise myself in a month!”

and this:

“I’m sitting outside in the sun and can’t wipe the smile off my face. Signing up for this month has been the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. I’m so freaken excited. And so so grateful and thankful to have found you. You make me feel like I can achieve my wildest dreams with this blog and being able to help people at a profound level! I can’t wait for your email and the worksheets and I’m thinking I’ll have to book you in and have you with me throughout the whole year (somehow!!). You are amazing!!”

and this:

“This morning I had the best session with this women @rachelmagahy. She is amazing and so freaking kick-ass at what she does…<3 <3 <3 her…”

…which brings one simple word to my mind: BLESSED.

I dropped in to my old work today to catch up with a friend for lunch and it felt like I hadn’t been there for years (not a mere 3 weeks). So much has happened since I finished at the end of December – epiphanies, inspiring conversations and revelations about the unlimited potential of All of This Stuff – and I left feeling enormously grateful for the ways in which I’m being supported/ expanded/ soulfully embraced by the Universe right now. When the work comes naturally and you’re the happiest  you’ve ever been, harnessing that universal love and supporting sweet souls as they rock it out is a no brainer. Again, blessings.

I’m going to dive in to some of the nuts and bolts of “how” I’m running my biz soon (and will be doing some ‘lifestyle experiments’ to see what works best for me schedule-wise), but for now I wanted to mention that I’ve got a few spots available on my calendar for the last week of Jan, and will then be taking more bookings for Feb.

My introductory prices will be increasing in Feb as well so if you’ve been thinking about teaming up with me, jump in quick to secure your place at the current price! Email me rachel (at) inspacesbetween (dot) com for more.

Dreaming… slowly


If you’ve wondered why I haven’t posted anything on 2013 intentions or vision-boarding or my words for the year, I’ll let you in on a little secret – it’s because I haven’t gone through the process yet. Hey, what’s the date again?

I actually can’t remember the last time I started a new year without an action plan and giant dreams, but with my business taking off in whambamkazam fashion as mentioned above and my focus solely on my clients and helping them achieve their goals for the year, the time simply hasn’t been there to really get down ‘n’ dirty with it all. And, you know, doing this big work requires a whole lotta creativity and a generous helping of “white space.”

Until the weekend rolls around and I throw myself into 2013 dreamin’ mode with a few key workbooks (will tell you more about this), I think I’ll continue adding to the collection of Post It’s stuck on the wall behind my computer, the doodles in my Moleskine and the inspiration files in Evernote.

What about you? Have you set your intentions for the year? Tell me about ’em.

Bush Flower Essences


I can’t quite explain it but these work. Just trust me on that one. A heads up that they also taste terrible (unless you enjoy the strong taste of brandy first thing in the morning).

Brand Spankin’ Stationery


Is there anything better than cracking a crisp new notebook and adorning those first few pages with your neatest handwriting?

Unfortunately, the neat handwriting is something that never lasts for me – I very quickly start to scrawl when the floodgates open and the inspiration starts flowing from my fingertips – but with my trusty connector pens at the ready this time, at least those scrawls will be vibrant.

I’ll admit here to feeling pretty gangsta with my custom-stamped ‘In Spaces Between’ Moleskines. They just feel a bit special, you know… and I have a very good feeling I can create a bit of magic in those there pages.

Mo’ love:

Long phone chats with my soul sistas + male energy – I love hanging out with guys and look forward to nurturing more dude friendships this year (along with even more wonderful female connections) + sunshine and ocean swims + inspiring Instagram accounts (check out ‘Loni Jane’ – her food shots and her bod are to die for!) + flow + Satori + pulling out just the right Oracle cards + pale grey nail polish + dreaming about our honeymoon (any Italy tips for us?) + grand changes.

And now, you, gorgeous one: tell me in the comments below what’s been lighting up your first week of 2013?

Images: Fieldguided | IOBAD

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8 Comments to “Making Me Happy: Kicking 2013 off With a Bang!”

  1. Hi Rach, Happy New Year! I see a lot of kicking ass in the year ahead for you… and that seems like a plan and an intention to me… so I guess all you’re behind on really is the mood board to reflect it! It’s very exciting and totally inspiring to get these glimpses into how you’re redesigning your life. I’m making a lot of big changes too – moving back to Brisbane from Sydney next week is one of them – so I hope we’ll get to hang at some rad bloggy meetups in the very near future! Here’s to an abundant 2013! x Catherine @ The Spring

  2. Yay! Your first ‘Making me happy’ is making me happy!

    It’s funny you say that you haven’t gotten around to goal setting for the new year yet, I have a very similar situation happening. I had all these Big Plans for New Year’s Eve. Not of the alcohol-and-partying variety, but of the “staying home and cracking open my spanking new Desire Map book, watching some motivational interviews, reading, meditating, yoga-ing, vision boarding and just generally seeing in the new year in healthy-happy-hopeful style” variety. All in the presence of my purpose-bought super-special goal-setting scented candle (my core desired feelings smell like coconut and elderflower!!!)… I was so excited!

    And then when the actual night rolled around, I just felt… icky. Not feeling it. Ended up not doing any of that stuff. And then I still wasn’t feeling it the day after, or even the day after that. It wasn’t until Thursday that I really got stuck into it. And then, because the mood was right, it was awesome and enjoyable and fun, and Danielle LaPorte is all sorts of awesome-pants. I still haven’t finished yet, and was planning on getting stuck in again this weekend. So I definitely am hearing you on the ‘who says it needs to be early-early January for New Year’s intentions?’ and am instead embracing the ‘it’ll happen when the time and mood ias right’ vibe. No need to force it.

    Moving along, lighting me up this week is (1) that I officially gave notice at my job on Monday; (2) that my gorgeous boy bought a house today; and (3) that the New Year really seems massively filled with potential and possibility and wonder, and I think I am more excited than I have ever been…

    So, enjoy your weekend of rockin’-the-world goal-setting, and big bear hugs of good luck on your new entrepradventure! Can’t wait to read all about it! xo!

    (PS, sorry for writing a novella, I got excited!)

  3. Hi Rach! I am a fellow blogger (+aspiring coach!) *hopefully my website will be up this month!* and have recently launched my Facebook page “Julesinspired” that has had such a great response so far. This has been a huge accomplishment for me going into 2013 and putting my purpose into action has never felt better. Otherwise, having alone time after a week of family over the holidays has been very grounding. The first week of 2013 has been nothing short of bliss :)

  4. What an inspiring and wonderful post! I’ve been reading your blog for the last few months and your constant optimism and creativity and general attitude have been so inspirational to me – it’s made me take a step back and look at what I want from my life. It’s made me see that my real goal is to be more creative (this is what makes me happiest) so I started a blog this year as a way to help achieve this NY Resolution. Fingers crossed I keep going with it and that it helps me to grow and find happiness…. if I ever lose faith on my way with it, I know just to check on here, on your blog, and I’ll find the motivation and courage to continue!

    Happy New Year x

  5. YOUUU! This week has been so mega exciting. I did a healing session Tuesday morning with Leonie and I freed up a lot of space and stuckness (crying may have been involved), and I was reminded that the best relationship I have is the one between me and me. That I am pretty damn awesome.

    Later that day, you reminded me of that again. You know, I’m so grateful to have met you, I don’t even know how to express it. Talk to you soon lady, I love hearing about your life + how you’re rocking it. ?

    P/S: I love edamame too. Nom!

  6. Beautiful girl,

    I loved having din dins with you, as did Jamie. We are so grateful our paths have crossed. Talk about ifeellikewehavebeenbff’sFOREVER.

    This post every week makes me so happy and thanks for sharing.

    Here are some things that are making me happy:

    Organic juice + sleep ins + running + swimming in the ocean + coffee enema’s (yep you heard me) + Byron bliss + good books + working out + cold pressed juices + my new Vitamix + coaching with you + sunshine + my love + new organic body wash + inspiration cards.


  7. Catherine: Can’t wait to catch up when you’re back in Bris! Let me know for sure.

    Jess: Loving the sound of that super special goal setting candle (coconut + elderflower = WIN!) and oh girl, I’m hearing you. Goalsetting and desire mapping require spaciousness, clarity, high vibes and all the rest of the good stuff and if it’s not there, it certainly can’t be forced. Sounds like 2013 has dished up many a treasure for you already, which THRILLS me. So happy for you babe.

    Juliet: Can’t wait to see your site! Heading over to like your FB page.

    Rachel: Bravo, congrats on your new blog – blogging will rock your world.

    Jia Ni: LOVE coaching you angel, you are such a lil rockstar!

    Melissa: Likewise! Your list just made me go AHHHHH. Blissful beginnings to an extraordinary 2013. #freakingadoreyou!

  8. Girl, you are just too amazing…!

    I’m a little lost for words (which tends to happen after reading your posts; they tend to literally suck the breath out of me…) As always, I can feel your energy, love, joy, and outright exuberance for life just BURSTING form each and every word…wow, talk about the world’s best pep talk…

    You rock my world <3

    Here's to a magical 2013, eh? Go get 'em, babe xo

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